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John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army 3 1 Browse Search
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John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Chapter XX (search)
te Department until they were published. Mr. Bigelow's comprehension of the French view of the Mexican question proved to be perfectly exact. While awaiting further instructions in reply to my report of January 24, I occupied my time in visits to the south of France, Italy, Switzerland, and England. Among the personal incidents connected with my stay in Paris which seem worthy of record were the following: Soon after my arrival in Paris, in company with Mr. Bigelow I called upon Marshal Randon, Minister of War, who was the only minister of the French government then in Paris. We were received with cold and formal politeness. Some days later, the Emperor having returned to Paris, and having apparently become satisfied that I was not occupied with any designs hostile to France, I received a very courteous letter from the Minister of War, dated December 13, and addressed to Mr. Bigelow; and Captain Guzman, the officer therein named, reported to me immediately. Under the guidan
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Index (search)
the retreat from, 301 Purdy, Tenn., possible movement by Sherman toward, 311 Q Quantrill, W. C., in Shelby's raid, into Missouri, 101; sacks and burns Lawrence, 78 Quinine, 256 R Railroads, use of, in time of war, 526 Raleigh, N. C., Sherman's march to, 327, 334; S.'s headquarters at, 368, 371, 379; refugees prohibited to congregate in, 369; Grant at, 370 Rally Hill, Tenn., Hood takes possession of, 209 Ramsey, Asst. Adjt.-Gen. Robert H., battle of Franklin, 264 Randon, Marshal, French Minister of War, courtesies to S., 392 Rank, questions of, in the Atlanta campaign, 124, 136, 137, 150, 151, 156, 157, 160, 161 Rawlins, Maj.-Gen. John A., opposes the march to the sea, 323; military genius, 323; Secretary of War, 323; Grant's chief of staff, 420 Reasoning faculties, the cultivation of the, 523 Rebels, in Missouri, 57 Reconstruction, S.'s duties in connection with, 276; the problem, course, and evils of, 353-356, 364, 365, 367-377, 418, 419, 5