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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The confederate left at Fredericksburg. (search)
The Washington Artillery, under Colonel Walton, were in position on the crest of Marye's Hill over the heads of Cobb's men [see p. 97], and two brigades under General Ransom were held here in reserve. The heights above Kershaw and Barksdale were crowned with 18 rifle-guns and 8 smooth-bores belonging to batteries, and a number ofMarye's Hill, nor do I think they were aware, until it was made known to them by our fire, that there was an infantry force anywhere except on top of the hill, as Ransom's troops could be seen there, in reserve, and the men in the sunken road were visible at a short distance only. Soon after 11 A. M. the enemy approached the le with my own troops, and therefore directed General Kershaw to take his brigade, and, sending two of his regiments to strengthen General Cobb's line Brigadier-General Robert Ransom, C. S. A. From a photograph. beneath the hill, to hold the rest of his command on top of the hill, to the left of Cobb's line, to meet emergencies, a
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., Ransom's division at Fredericksburg. (search)
Ransom's division at Fredericksburg. by Robert Ransom, Rrigadier-General, C. S. A. In The centuRobert Ransom, Rrigadier-General, C. S. A. In The century magazine for August, 1886, General James Longstreet published what he saw of the battle of Fredeod extending to the right in the order named. Ransom's division supported the batteries on Marye's Laws's division and the 24th North Carolina of Ransom's brigade were stationed, protected by a stoneediate care of this point was committed to General Ransom. The italics in this paper are all minumns to seize Marye's and Willis's hills. General Ransom advanced Cooke's brigade to the top of thend at the foot of the hill, to which point General Ransom also advanced three other regiments. Gt, in his official report, says: . . . General Ransom on Marye's Hill was charged with the immedf his brigades: one, Kemper's, was sent to General Ransom to be placed in some secure position to bervant, J. L. Kemper, Brigadier-General. Brig.-Gen. Ransom, Commanding Division. As stated in m[2 more...]
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., Kershaw's brigade at Fredericksburg. (search)
Kershaw's brigade at Fredericksburg. General J. B. Kershaw writes to the editors as follows, December 6th,.1887: General Ransom's letter, in The Century for December, 1887, in regard to his services at Fredericksburg, contains an error in relation to the operations of my brigade. In the morning of that day, my troops were stationed at the foot of Lee's Hill. After the assaults on General Cobb's position had commenced, I was directed to send two of my regiments to reenforce Cobb, anmetery on the hill until his proper position was made known, when he moved deliberately and in perfect order down the road to the Stevens House, and proceeded to the right of my line. Instead of having two regiments engaged at that point, as General Ransom supposes, I had five regiments and a battalion (my entire brigade), each of which suffered more or less severely. During these operations I received no orders or directions from any officer but my division commander, General McLaws. I reque
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., A hot day on Marye's Heights. (search)
fantry in the road, and fell back in great confusion. Spotting the fields in our front, we could detect little patches of blue — the dead and wounded of the Federal infantry who had fallen facing the very muzzles of our guns. Cooke's brigade of Ransom's division was now placed in the sunken road with Cobb's men. At 2 P. M. other columns of the enemy left the crest and advanced to the attack; it appeared to us that there was no end of them. On they came in beautiful array and seemingly more deto turn their guns against this column; but the gallant enemy pushed on beyond all former charges, and fought and left their dead within five and twenty paces of the sunken road. Our position on the hill was now a hot one, and three regiments of Ransom's brigade were ordered up to reinforce the infantry in the road. We watched them as they came marching in line of battle from the rear, where they had been lying in reserve. They passed through our works and rushed down the hill with loud yells
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The opposing forces at Fredericksburg, Va. (search)
Capt. W. K. Bachman; S. C. Battery (Palmetto Light Art'y), Capt. Hugh R. Garden; N. C. Battery (Rowan Art'y), Capt. James Reilly. Ransom's division, Brig.-Gen. Robert Ransom, Jr. Ransom's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Robert Ransom, Jr.: 24th N. C.,----; 25th N. C., Lieut.-Col. Samuel C. Bryson; 35th N. C.,----; 49th N. C.,----; Va. BaRansom's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Robert Ransom, Jr.: 24th N. C.,----; 25th N. C., Lieut.-Col. Samuel C. Bryson; 35th N. C.,----; 49th N. C.,----; Va. Battery, Capt. J. R. Branch. Brigade loss: k, 27; w, 127 == 154. Cooke's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. John R. Cooke (w), Col. E. D. Hall: 15th N. C.,----; 27th N. C., Col. John A. Gilmer, Jr.; 46th N. C., Col. E. D. Hall; 48th N. C., Lieut.-Col. Samuel H. Walkup; Va. Battery (Cooper's). Brigade loss: k, 52; w, 328 == 380. Corps artilleryBrig.-Gen. Robert Ransom, Jr.: 24th N. C.,----; 25th N. C., Lieut.-Col. Samuel C. Bryson; 35th N. C.,----; 49th N. C.,----; Va. Battery, Capt. J. R. Branch. Brigade loss: k, 27; w, 127 == 154. Cooke's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. John R. Cooke (w), Col. E. D. Hall: 15th N. C.,----; 27th N. C., Col. John A. Gilmer, Jr.; 46th N. C., Col. E. D. Hall; 48th N. C., Lieut.-Col. Samuel H. Walkup; Va. Battery (Cooper's). Brigade loss: k, 52; w, 328 == 380. Corps artillery (not assigned to divisions). Washington (La.) Artillery, Col. J. B. Walton: 1st Co., Capt. C. W. Squires; 2d Co., Capt. J. B. Richardson; 3d Co., Capt. M. B. Miller; 4th Co., Capt. B. F. Eshleman. Battalion loss: k, 3; w, 24 == 27. Alexander's Battalion, Lieut.-Col. E. Porter Alexander: Va. Battery (Bedford Art'y), Capt. Tyler