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her heedlessly, on the extreme right, and attempted to stem the tide of battle, was broken into fragments by the onset, and became hopelessly involved in the crowd of fugitives. Cruft bore the brunt of battle for some time; but, at length, he, too, had to give back, which he did somewhat broken, but in good order. General Lew Wallace says, in his report: Soon fugitives from the battle came crowding up the hill, in rear of my own line, bringing unmistakable signs of disaster. Captain Rawlins was conversing with me at the time, when a mounted officer galloped down the road, shouting: We are cut to pieces! The effect was very perceptible. To prevent a panic among the regiments of my Third Brigade, I ordered Colonel Thayer to move on by the right flank. He promptly obeyed. General Wallace acted with vigor and decision. Meeting McClernand's whole division in full retreat, with Cruft also falling back, he threw forward Thayer's strong brigade, to receive the combined at
ng gift of the soldierly C. F. Smith to his cause. That the strength of Shiloh has not been overstated is evinced by the evidence of General Sherman, given then and afterward. He says, in his Memoirs, vol. i., page 229: The position was naturally strong. .... At a later period of the war, we could have rendered this position impregnable in one night, but at this time we did not do it, and it may be it is well we did not. He says of it in a letter to Grant's adjutant-general, Rawlins, March 18, 1862 (page 232): Magnificent plain for camping and drilling, and a military point of great strength. On the next day (page 233), he expresses himself- Strongly impressed with the importance of this position, both for its land advantages and its strategic position. The ground itself admits of easy defense by a small command, and yet affords admirable camping-ground for 100,000 men. On the trial of Colonel Thomas Worthington, Forty-sixth Ohio Volunteers, who had severel