Browsing named entities in Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II.. You can also browse the collection for Reagan or search for Reagan in all documents.

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ge, gradually dwindled by the way: thus reaching May 4. Washington, Ga., where the rapidly dissolving view of a Government was dispensed with-most of the Cabinet itself having by this time abandoned the sinking craft, leaving Davis attended by Reagan (late Postmaster-General, now acting Secretary of the Treasury) and his military staff; and the remaining fugitives, with a small but select escort of mounted men, took their way southward: perhaps intent on joining Dick Taylor or Kirby Smith, shs, were conveyed to Macon, May 13. whence Davis was taken, via Savannah and the ocean, to Fortress Monroe; where he was long closely and rigorously imprisoned, while his family were returned by water to Savannah and there set at liberty. Secretary Reagan--the only person of consequence captured with Davis — was taken to Boston, and confined, with Vice-President Stephens (captured about this time also in Georgia), in Fort Warren; but each was liberated on parole a few months thereafter. T
539. Ransom, Col., 35th N. C., wounded at Malvern Hill, 166. Rapidan, Rebels crossing the, 171; guarded by Gen. Buford, 175; Union troops cross the, 394; operations on the, 398 to 402; Grant crosses the, 567. Rappahannock, the, Rebel batteries across, 179; crossed by Jackson, 180; Lee's operations on the, 344; Russell's assault at the station, 397; Gens. Meade and Buford cross the, 394; railroad destroyed by the Rebels rebuilt, 398. Raymond, Miss., McPherson's battle at, 305. Reagan, John H., captured at Irwinsville, 756. Reams's Station, Hancock's fight at, 593. Red river, rescue of gunboats on the, 549; 550; capture and destruction of transports on the, 550; successful Rebel attack below Alexandria on the, 550. Reid, S. C., on the battle of Chickamauga, 424. Rencher, Gov. Abraham, of New Mexico, 21. Reno, Gen. Jesse L., with Burnside, 73; in attack on Newbern, 78; expedition of, to Elizabeth City, 79-80; reenforces Gen. Pope, 178; cooperates with Gen. S