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f the city in the new condition of things, I pushed forward the First and Ninth corps, under Generals Reno and Hooker, forming the right wing under General Burnside, to Leesburgh, on the fifth instan around up to the crest upon the right and left. At about eight o'clock A. M., Cox's division of Reno's corps, a portion of Burnside's column, in cooperation with the reconnaissance, which by this tih held stubbornly, became critical, and between twelve and one o'clock P. M. Wilcox's division of Reno's corps was sent forward by Gen. Burnside to support Cox, and between two and three P. M. Sturgis The loss in killed and wounded here was considerable on both sides; and it was here that Major-General Reno, who had gone forward to observe the operations of his corps, and to give such directions g the night. The mountain sides thus gallantly passed over by Hooker on the right of the gap and Reno on the left, were steep and difficult in the extreme. We could make but little use of our artill
and fifty, being about the same average as my regiment. The rest of the troops did not suffer so severely, of course, or our loss would have been much heavier in the whole. We left the dead on the field, and all their small arms; at least, they were there when I left at one this morning. I got a letter from you the day of the fight, but I can't find it now, and cannot answer the questions you ask. I remember only two of them, those referring to newspaper statements about Antietam and South-Mountain. We were across the bridge at Antietam, I think, before half-past 12. It did not vary from that ten minutes. I looked at my watch. Gen. Burnside put every man into action that went in at South-Mountain — that is, Reno's and Hooker's corps. Franklin took his in at Crampton's Gap. Tell----he must send me those boots, or I will be barefooted. I am quite ill again. I have had my report and many other things to attend to. Love to all. In haste. Yours, affectionately, R. B. Potter
d this movement on the seventeenth, and by the morning of the eighteenth had most of his forces behind that river, prepared to hold its passes as long as possible. He had been reenforced by King's division and a part of Burnside's corps, under Gen. Reno, from Fredericksburgh. I also directed Gen. Burnside to occupy Richard's and Barnett's Fords, which were between him and Gen. Pope's main army. The enemy made several attempts to cross at different points on the Rappahannock, but was alwaysthis position as long as possible for a base of future operations. Gen. Pope's dispositions at this juncture were well planned. The corps of McDowell and Sigel, and the Pennsylvania reserves, under Reynolds, were pushed forward to Gainesville; Reno and Kearny were directed upon Greenwich, while Hooker's division was sent against Ewell along the railroad. Unfortunately, however, the movement was too late, as a large detachment of Lee's army was already east of Thoroughfare Gap. Hooker encou
ctly unreliable, and I suggest that some officer of superior rank be sent to command his army corps. His conduct to-day has occasioned me great dissatisfaction. Banks's corps is very weak, not amounting to more than five thousand men, and is much demoralized. Kearny's division is the only one that has yet reached me from Alexandria. I shall, at all events, push McDowell's crops and Kearny's division upon the enemy's rear. If I find my suspicions confirmed in the morning, I shall also put Reno across the river at Rappahannock Station, and direct him to move forward cautiously upon Culpeper. Banks's corps must be left somewhere in the rear, to be set up again. Sigel's corps, although composed of some of the best fighting material we have, will never do much service under that officer. I will communicate further with you in the morning. John Pope, Major-General. Exhibit no. 5. war Department--Washington City, October 27, 1862. General: It has been publicly stated that
of the rebel forces on the other side of the Rappahannock. The regiments chosen for this important enterprise were the First and Fifth regulars, commanded by Captain Reno; the Thirty-fourth and Sixteenth Pennsylvania, Col. McIntosh; the First Rhode Island, Fourth New-York, and Sixth Ohio, Colonel Duffie; and the Sixth New-York fhole force then crossed over and formed in line of battle thus: Col. McIntosh's command, consisting of the Third, Fourth, and Sixteenth Pennsylvania, on the right; Reno's First and Fifth regulars, centre and reserve, and Colonel Duffie's First Rhode Island, Fourth New-York and Sixth Ohio, on the left. This was about half-past 7 ots of cavalry were deployed in front of the battery, in such a manner as to prevent its withdrawal being seen, and the whole force commenced its return march. Captain Reno, with a portion of his command, covered the rear. As soon as the rebels discovered our retrograde movement, they opened a heavy fire of artillery, and follo
and half at Young's Point. On the twenty-seventh, the David Tatum arrived, and on the twenty-eighth, the expedition left, arriving here and disembarking the troops, without accident or trouble, on the thirtieth. The David Tatum, being nearly wrecked by the storm, only obtained seventy-five cattle, which were delivered to General Logan's division on the thirtieth. The summary of the trip of sixteen days is as follows: Two thousand three hundred and eighty bales of cotton--2209 to Captain Reno; 171 to Captain Kluick. Seven hundred and five beef cattle--350 to Chief Commandant of the Seventeenth army corps; 140 to Captain Baker, Thirteenth army corps; 140 to Captain Strickle, Fifteenth army corps; 75 to Commissary of General Logan's division. One hundred mules-Captain Kluick, Seventeenth army corps. I have to thank all concerned for energy and good conduct. The cotton obtained was principally C. S. A. cotton, so branded, and was pledged in London for confederate bon