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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book III:—Maryland. (search)
pleted on the evening of the 19th; on the left, Reno occupied Kelly's Ford; Banks, Rappahannock Stat Sulphur Springs and Waterloo Bridge; Banks and Reno, who were lower down, were to follow him; McDow all about twenty-five thousand men. Kearny and Reno were directed to follow him as far as Greenwichs march upon Centreville with Heintzelman's and Reno's corps, and suffered himself to be led more an commanded all its approaches. Heintzelman and Reno on the right, McDowell and Porter on the left, f, and by Siegel at the south. Heintzelman and Reno were placed in second line, while Banks was ordand Reno's divisions; the two latter were under Reno, who had succeeded Burnside in command of the nbreach which Stevens' defeat had opened between Reno and Hooker. He advanced more to the right, aloetween nine and ten o'clock. It was the head of Reno's corps. Hill's right, which defended the ridg and later by that of Rodman, both belonging to Reno's corps. The success of the Unionists on this [26 more...]
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book VI:—Virginia. (search)
d with this task. A demonstration was made along the Upper Potomac for the purpose of diverting the attention of the Federals; they still occupied West Virginia, whither General Cox, who had been in command of the Ninth corps since the death of Reno, was then proceeding with considerable reinforcements. A long chain of posts, connecting this region with the positions occupied by McClellan, was especially intended to cover the Upper Potomac, and protect Maryland and Pennsylvania in that direc battle of Antietam, but the bullets of the enemy had caused many changes in the personnel of the generals. Burnside was still in command of the First and Ninth corps; Reynolds had superseded Hooker, wounded, and Wilcox occupied the post in which Reno had met his death. The Second and Twelfth, under the orders of Sumner, had seen their two commanders, Richardson and Mansfield, fall on the borders of Antietam; they had been replaced by Couch and Slocum. The Fifth and Sixth corps, each reinforc
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), chapter 8 (search)
4th Brigade, Duryea. 2d Division, King. 1st Brigade, Patrick; 2d Brigade, Doubleday; 3d Brigade, Gibbon; 4th Brigade, Hatch. 3d Division, Sturgis. 1st Brigade, Piatt; 2d Brigade, ....... 9th independent corps, Burnside. 1st Division, Reno. 1st Brigade, .....; 2d Brigade, ..... 2d Division, Stevens. 1st Brigade, ......; 2d Brigade,...... 3d Division, Parke. 1st Brigade, ......; 2d Brigade,...... Cavalry Division, Cox. 1st Brigade, Bayard; 2d Brigade, Buford. Ii. Repmour; 2d Brigade, Gallagher; 3d Brigade, Magilton. 2d Division, Ricketts. 1st Brigade, Hartsuff; 2d Brigade, Christian; 3d Brigade, Duryea. 3d Division, Doubleday. 1st Brigade, Patrick; 2d Brigade, Gibbon; 3d Brigade, Phelps. 9th corps, Reno (afterward Cox); 13,819 men strong. 1st Division, Cox. 1st Brigade, Crook; 2d Brigade, Brooks; 3d Brigade, Scammon. 2d Division, Wilcox. 1st Brigade, ......; 2d Brigade, ..... 3d Division, Sturgis. 1st Brigade, Ferrero; 2d Brigade, ......