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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore) 1 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: April 24, 1862., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1846. (search)
he impulse must have been to decline the appointment and return to the Geneseo regiment, he decided, as generously as became him, that his duty was to go on with the expedition, and he began his work as Commissary, with the rank of Captain, on General Reno's staff. He was soon in battle, commanding a gunboat at Roanoke Island, and braving, at Reno's side, the hottest of the fire at Newbern. A little later, he was in action at Camden, and wrote with deep feeling of the dead and wounded that weReno's side, the hottest of the fire at Newbern. A little later, he was in action at Camden, and wrote with deep feeling of the dead and wounded that were left upon the field at night when our troops were ordered to retire. But his duties were chiefly at Newbern and Beaufort, N. C., where he was stationed as Commissary for several months, occupied, as he jestingly said, in the grocery business of those posts. It was a hard, a very hard service for him, and one that fretted his spirit so much as to demand all the determination of which he was capable, to hold him fast. He persevered until ill health compelled him to go home in the summer of 1
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1854. (search)
ed at Glendale on the 30th of June, and died in the hands of the enemy at a neighboring farm-house on the 4th of July. On the 10th of July Captain Lowell was detailed for duty as an aid to General McClellan. He remained in this position till November, winning the esteem of his chief by efficient conduct at the second battle of Malvern Hill (August 5), and rendering energetic service in the brilliant and arduous Maryland campaign. At South Mountain (September 14), in bearing orders to General Reno, he showed a bravery which excited universal admiration. But at Antietam (September 17) he revealed the high order of his military capacity more fully than on any other occasion during the first period of the war. He went, early in the day, with orders to General Sedgwick's division, of General Sumner's corps. He met it retreating in confusion, under a hot fire. Lowell put forth all his vigor to meet the occasion. He rode rapidly from point to point of the line, driving back and rally
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1860. (search)
and the morning of the 30th the troops of Jackson had been so far reinforced by Lee that at noon, notwithstanding the accession of General Porter's corps, General Pope was confronted by a superior force of the enemy. As fresh arrivals from the main body of the Rebels were continually increasing the disparity, General Pope advanced to the attack as soon as he could bring his troops into action. His force, amounting to about forty thousand men, consisted now of the corps of McDowell, Sigel, Reno, Heintzelman, and Porter. Unfortunately, Franklin and Sumner, at Centreville, had not come up, Burnside was at Fredericksburg, and Banks at Bristow's Station. These were heavy deductions from the national side. The corps of General Porter was on the left of the line, and at about three o'clock in the afternoon began the attack by an attempt to clear the enemy out of the woods in front. Our troops, however, were soon driven back with considerable loss. As they retired, the enemy advanced
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, Biographical Index. (search)
304. Q. Quincy, S. M., Col., II. 146. Quint, A. H., Rev., I. 263, 267;, 269, 270, 271. R. Raines, J. S., Gen. (Rebel service), 1. 159. Randall, A. A., Gov., II. 227. Randolph, G. W., Gen (Rebel service), I. 209. Randolph, T. J., I. 324. Randolph, Mrs., I. 209. Rea, M. A., Lieut., Memoir, II. 38-41. Rea, Mary F., II. 38. Rea, W A., II. 38. Reed, James, Rev., II. 410. Reed, John H., I. 193. Reeves, Emma L., I. 75. Rennie, Capt., II. 301, 302;. Reno, J. L., Maj.-Gen., I 111, 289; II. 170. Revere, E. H. R., Asst.-Surg., Memoir, I. 115-125. Revere, J. W., Maj.-Gen., I. 141. Revere, Joseph W., I. 115, 204;. Revere, Mary (Robbins), I. 115, 204;. Revere, Paul, I. 115, 204;. Revere, Paul Joseph, Col., Memoir, I. 204-220. Also, I. 118,121, 238; II. 97. Reynolds, J. J., Maj.-Gen, 1. 13,16. Rice, A. H., Hon., II. 265. Richards, Sarah E., I. 38. Richardson, G. C., I. 434. Richardson, H. A., A. A. Surg., Memoir, I.
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Biographical: officers of civil and military organizations. (search)
or-general, a rank to which he was fully promoted in October following. Commanding a division composed of his old brigade and that of Law, with five batteries, in Longstreet's corps, he climbed over the mountains at Thoroughfare Gap and struck the enemy on the field of Second Manassas, with decisive results. During the Maryland campaign he took part with his division in the important and heroic delay of the Federal army at the passes of South Mountain, with his comrades holding Hooker's and Reno's corps at Fox's Gap. At Sharpsburg he held the left against Hooker on the 16th of September, and fought desperately about the Dunker church on the 17th. At Fredericksburg he commanded the right of Longstreet's line, and at Gettysburg, stationed on the extreme right of the Confederate army, he made a vigorous and successful attack on the second day against Little Round Top and the Devil's Den. Early in the engagement he received a wound which deprived him permanently of the use of one arm a
rom Harper's Ferry were to join the Third Corps,—the celebrated fighting troops of Gen. Sickles, who, having lost a leg at Gettysburg, had left his command and was succeeded by Gen. French. We soon found ourselves in the midst of the great army, cheek by jowl with the men who fought under McDowell, and McClellan, and Pope, and Burnside, and Hooker, as principals, and under the more immediate direction of such leaders as Sumner and Franklin, Keyes and Kearny, Heintzelman and McCall, Sedgwick, Reno, and Banks in the earlier days of the war, and now were fresh from the gory fields of Gettysburg, where Reynolds, of precious memory, and Buford, and Hancock, and Sickles had immortalized themselves; and we rejoiced at our good fortune in being thus associated. When we left Frederick, Capt. Sleeper was placed in charge of the entire supply train of the Third Corps. The long lines of ammunition and forage wagons stretching with their white coverings as far as the eye could reach on every r
ported with the five regiments of his brigade. Reno followed with his brigade, moving into the swamer's attacks in front was held at bay until General Reno's brigade succeeded in making its way throurt Thompson and the railroad. At the same time Reno moved against Vance's position, on the right, arepelled for some hours. But on the right, General Reno with Lieutenant-Colonel Clark, of the Twenteutenant-Colonel Haywood to charge the front of Reno. This the Seventh did in fine form and retook ederals to send a considerable force, under General Reno, to destroy the locks that connected both tcial Records, page 271, Series I, Vol. IX. General Reno took with him from New Bern the Twenty-firsattack of the enemy. In spite of a long march, Reno, who had no idea of the small number of his foel Wright fell back a mile to his supports. General Reno did not attempt to follow, and that night aut in the Federal accounts of this battle. General Reno and his second in command. Colonel Hawkins[4 more...]
's right, an attack which made little impression, no North Carolina troops were under fire. However, in the afternoon, the Union forces, showing a pertinacity and heroism rarely equaled, rushed continuously against Jackson's obstinate Southerners. The puzzled Federals had been searching for Jackson, and now that they had found him, they wanted to end the search. In their repeated assaults, the Carolinians and their comrades on the left found foes of their own mettle. Hooker and Kearny and Reno were ordered to advance simultaneously against Jackson's center and left. Grover, of Hooker's division, however, led his five regiments into battle ahead of Kearny, and made one of the most brilliant charges of the war. He succeeded in crowding into a gap between Gregg's and Thomas' brigades, and reached the railroad. There he was fiercely driven back, and lost 486 men in about twenty minutes. So close was the fighting that bayonets and clubbed muskets were actually used. Grover's Report
and Garland's brigade. General Hill, in Battles and Leaders, II, 563. Against Garland's 1,000 men, General Cox, of Reno's corps, led the brigades of Scammon and Crook, stated by Cox as less than 3,000. The Thirteenth North Carolina, unders were reaching the top of the mountains, the Federals were steadily marching heavy columns up to push their way through. Reno's other divisions, Willcox, Sturgis, Rodman, joined Cox and formed on the Confederate right. The First corps under Hookernfederate right, that on the extreme left, and that against Colquitt near the center. The attack on the right was made by Reno's corps. This fell on Anderson's and a portion of Garland's North Carolinians, Drayton's South Carolinians and Georgians,g this day of scattered battles, many gallant officers and men on both sides were killed or wounded. Of the Federals, General Reno, commanding a corps, was killed by the Twenty-third North Carolina. McRae's Report. General Hatch was wounded, as w
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 7: (search)
. Lee's battalion. Pope massed against Jackson, and after assailing him with a heavy fire of artillery, attacked his whole line with all the aggressive power he could command. Porter's corps assailed his right and center, and Heintzelman's and Reno's corps attacked his left and left flank. These three corps were supported by the divisions of King and Ricketts. Jackson stood against this combination with his three divisions, and made desperate resistance. For three hours, from 1 to 4 p. , on one of which he was stationed, Jackson, followed by Longstreet, marching on the other. Reinforced by Sumner's and Franklin's corps, General Pope arranged for battle on the 1st of September with a force of 57,000. The corps of Heintzelman, Reno and McDowell were in position south of the Little River turnpike, facing almost north. Against these corps General Jackson attacked on the afternoon of the 1st, the battle being fought during a storm of rain and wind, which blew directly in the f
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