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Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 80 2 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore) 45 3 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 41 3 Browse Search
John Beatty, The Citizen-Soldier; or, Memoirs of a Volunteer 31 1 Browse Search
Joseph T. Derry , A. M. , Author of School History of the United States; Story of the Confederate War, etc., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 6, Georgia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 29 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 29 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore) 19 1 Browse Search
Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 16 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2. 14 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 10 0 Browse Search
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say to their troops: You see how these scoundrels run when you stand up to them. July, 29 Was slightly unwell this morning; but about noon accompanied General Reynolds, Colonel Wagner, Colonel Heffron, and a squad of cavalry, up the valley, and returned somewhat tired, but quite well. Lieutenant-Colonel Owen was also of th Indiana. Every sprig, leaf, and stem on the route suggested to Colonel Owen something to talk about, and he proved to be a very entertaining companion. General Reynolds is a graduate of West Point, and has the theory of war completely; but whether he has the broad, practical common sense, more important than book knowledge, times I lay down out of breath, utterly exhausted, and thought I would proceed no further until morning; but when I thought of my pickets, and reflected that General Reynolds would not excuse a trip so foolish and untimely, I made new efforts and pushed on. Finally I reached the summit of the mountain, but found it not the one fro
There is a screw loose somewhere. February, 10 Fortifications are being constructed. My men are working on them. Just now I heard the whistle of a locomotive, on the opposite side of the river. This is the first intimation we have had of the completion of the road to this point. The bridge will be finished in a day or two, and then the trains will arrive and depart from Murfreesboro regularly. February, 11 Called at Colonel Wilder's quarters, and while there met General J. J. Reynolds. He made a brief allusion to the Stalnaker times. On my return to camp, I stopped for a few minutes at Department Headquarters to see Garfield. General Rosecrans came into the room; but, as I was dressed in citizens' clothes, did not at first recognize me. Garfield said: General Rosecrans, Colonel Beatty. The General took me by the hand, turned my face to the light, and said he did not have a fair view of me before. Well, he continued, you are a general now, are you? I told him
notified by an occasional bullet that the enemy was occupying the thick woods just in our front, and very near. A little over three months ago we were in the hurry, confusion, anxiety, and suspense of an undecided battle, surrounded by the dead and dying, with the enemy's long line of camp-fires before us. Since then we have had a quiet time, each succeeding day seeming the dullest. Rode into town this afternoon; invested twentyfive cents in two red apples; spoke to Captain Blair, of Reynolds' staff; exchanged nods with W. D. B., of the Commercial; saw a saddle horse run away with its rider; returned to camp; entertained Shanks, of the New York Herald, for ten minutes; drank a glass of wine with Colonel Taylor, Fifteenth Kentucky, and soon after dropped off to sleep. A brass band is now playing, away over on the Lebanon pike. The pontoniers are singing a psalm, with a view, doubtless, to making the oaths with which they intend to close the night appear more forcible. The s
l right. June, 24 The note of preparation for a general advance sounded late last night. Reynolds moved at 4 A. M.; Rousseau at 7; our division will leave at 10. A long line of cavalry is at toads were sloppy, and marching disagreeable. Encamped at Big creek for the night; Rousseau and Reynolds in advance. Before leaving Murfreesboro I handed John what I supposed to be a package of tee me, sah. June, 25 Marched to Hoover's Gap. Heavy skirmlishing in front during the day. Reynolds lost fifteen killed, and quite a number wounded. A stubborn fight was expected, and our divisirters are a few rods to my left, and General Thomas' just below us, at the bottom of the hill. Reynolds is four miles in advance. June, 27 We left Beech Grove, or Jacob's Store, this morning, ave o'clock, and conducted the wagon train of our division through to Manchester. Rosecrans and Reynolds are here. The latter took possession of the place two or three hours before my brigade reached
st constantly; to-day it has been coming down in torrents, and the low grounds around us are overflowed. Rousseau's division is encamped near us on the left, Reynolds in the rear. The other day, while sitting on the fence by the roadside smoking my pipe, waiting for my troops to get in readiness to march, some one cried out, Here is a philosopher, and General Reynolds rode up and shook my hand very cordially. My brigade has been so fortunate, thus far, as to win the confidence of the commanding generals. It has, during the last week, served as a sort of a cowcatcher for Negley's division. At Elk river General Thomas rode up, while I was makincourt-martial at Huntsville. He appeared to be considerably cast down in spirit. He had just been relieved from his cavalry command, and was on his way to General Reynolds to take conmand of a brigade of infantry. General Crook, hitherto in command of a brigade, succeeds Turchin as commander of a division. In short, Crook and
John Beatty, The Citizen-Soldier; or, Memoirs of a Volunteer, September, 1863. (search)
a few poorly cultivated corn-fields, with here and there a cabin, the valley and hillsides would be overflowing with popuulation and wealth. We returned from the site of the iron works by way of Trenton, the seat of justice of Dade county. Reynolds and Sheridan are encamped near Trenton. I feel better since my ride. September, 6 (Sunday.) Marched to Johnson's Crook, and bivouacked, at nightfall, at McKay's Spring, on the north side of Lookout mountain; here my advance regiment, the aird's division to near four hundred wagons, compelled us to select such positions as would enable us to protect the train, and not such as were most favorable for making an offensive or defensive fight. It was now impossible for Brannan and Reynolds to reach us in time to render assistance. General Negley concluded, therefore, to fall back, and ordered me to move to Bailey's Cross-roads, and await the passage of the wagon train to the rear. The enemy attacked soon after, but were held in
er, makes the biggest noise. The sound of his guns goes crashing and echoing along the sides of Lookout in a way that must be particularly gratifying to Moccasin's soul. I fear, however, that both these gigantic gentlemen are deaf as adders, or they would not so delight in kicking up such a hellebaloo. This afternoon I rode over to Chattanooga. Called at the quarters of my division commander, General Jeff. C. Davis, but found him absent; stopped at Department Headquarters and saw General Reynolds, chief of staff; caught sight of Generals Hooker, Howard, and Gordon Granger. Soon General Thomas entered the room and shook hands with me. On my way back to camp I called on General Rousseau; had a long and pleasant conversation with him. He goes to Nashville to-morrow to assume command of the District of Tennessee. He does not like the way in which he has been treated; thinks there is a disposition on the part of those in authority to shelve him, and that his assignment to Nashville
same number wore an equilateral triangle prescribed by Major-General Thomas, April 26, 1864, in General Orders No. 62, Department of the Cumberland, in which he used much the same language as that used by Hooker in his circular, and designated divisions by the same colors. The badge of the Seventh Corps was a crescent nearly encircling a star. It was not adopted until after the virtual close of the war, June 1, 1865. The following is a paragraph from the circular issued by Major-General J. J. Reynolds, Department of Arkansas, regarding it:-- This badge, cut two inches in diameter, from cloth of colors red, white, and blue, for the 1st, 2d, and 3d Divisions respectively, may be worn by all enlisted men of the Corps. This was an entirely different corps from the Seventh Corps, which served in Virginia, and which had no badge. The latter was discontinued Aug. 1, 1863, at the same time with the original Fourth Corps. The Eighth Corps wore a six-pointed star. I have not
shortest practicable time, in a way most effectual for securing permanent peace. To do this, you will be given all the troops that can be spared by MajorGeneral Canby, probably twenty-five thousand men of all arms; the troops with Major-General J. J. Reynolds, in Arkansas, say twelve thousand, Reynolds to command; the Fourth Army Corps, now at Nashville, Tennessee, awaiting orders; and the Twenty-Fifth Army Corps, now at City Point, Virginia, ready to embark. I do not wish to trammel yoReynolds to command; the Fourth Army Corps, now at Nashville, Tennessee, awaiting orders; and the Twenty-Fifth Army Corps, now at City Point, Virginia, ready to embark. I do not wish to trammel you with instructions; I will state, however, that if Smith holds out, without even on ostensible government to receive orders from or to report to, he and his men are not entitled to the considerations due to an acknowledged belligerent. Theirs are the conditions of outlaws, making war against the only Government having an existence over the territory where war is now being waged. You may notify the rebel commander west of the Mississippi-holding intercourse with him in person, or through su
r small. The railroad companies have already issued orders in furtherance of the object of this proclamation, and no violation of them will be permitted. At St. Louis, Mo., a report of the removal of Major-General Fremont created intense indignation among the mass of Unionists, and great rejoicing among the secessionists. The recruiting rendezvous for an Irish regiment was closed on receipt of the news, and a meeting for the formation of a Home Guard adjourned without action.--N. Y. Herald, October 5. The First Massachusetts Light Battery, reorganized since its return from the three months service, left Boston this afternoon for the war, under the command of Captain Josiah Porter. General Reynolds with a body of Indiana and Ohio troops made a reconnoissance from his position at Cheat Mountain, and met a rebel force under General Lee at Greenbriar, Va., dispersing them after a severe fight of over an hour. The Union loss was eight killed and thirty wounded.--(Doc. 67.)
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