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n the coffin intended for the rebel officer. In that coffin she was buried the next day amidst the tears of hundreds who knew her courage and kindness of heart. Miss Carrie Sheads, the principal of Oak Ridge Female Seminary, is also deserving of a place in our record for her courage, humanity and true womanly tact. The Seminary buildings were within a few hundred yards of the original battle-field of the first day's fight, and in the course of the day's conflict, after the death of General Reynolds, the Union troops were driven by the greatly superior force of the enemy into the grounds of the Seminary itself, and most of them swept past it. The Ninety-seventh New York volunteer infantry commanded on that day by Lieutenant-Colonel, afterwards General Charles Wheelock, were surrounded by the enemy in the Seminary grounds, and after repeated attempts to break through the ranks of the enemy, were finally compelled to surrender. Miss Sheads who had given her pupils a holiday on the p
L. P. Brockett, Women's work in the civil war: a record of heroism, patriotism and patience, Final Chapter: the faithful but less conspicuous laborers. (search)
or the soldier in forwarding sanitary supplies, in visiting the hospitals in and near Springfield, in sustaining the Soldiers' Home in that city, and in aiding the families of soldiers. Mrs. Lucretia Jane Tilton, Miss Catharine Tilton, Mrs. Lucretia P. Wood, Mrs. P. C. Latham, Mrs. M. E. Halbert, Mrs. Zimmerman, Mrs. J. D. B. Salter, Mrs. John Ives, Mrs. Mary Engleman, Mrs. Paul Selby, Mrs. S. H. Melvin, Mrs. Stoneberger, Mrs. Schaums, Mrs. E. Curtiss, Mrs. L. Snell, Mrs. J. Nutt and Mrs. J. P. Reynolds. Mrs. R. H. Bennison, of Quincy, Ill., was also a faithful hospital visitor and friend of the soldier. Mrs. Dr. Ely, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, efficient in every good work throughout the war, and at its close the active promoter and superintendent of a Home for Soldiers' Orphans, near Davenport, Iowa, is deserving of all honor. Miss Georgiana Willets, of Jersey City, N. J., a faithful and earnest helper at the front from 1864 to the end of the war, deserves especial mention, as do al
L. P. Brockett, Women's work in the civil war: a record of heroism, patriotism and patience, Index of names of women whose services are recorded in this book. (search)
406. Partridge, Mrs. George, 409. Patrick, Miss Jane, 409. Peabody, Miss Harriet, 408. Peabody, Mrs., 408. Penfield, Miss, 410. Pettes, Miss Mary Dwight, 385-389. Phelps, Mrs. John S., 88. Phillips, Miss Harriet N., 408. Plummer, Mrs. Eliza G., 47, 62. Plummer, Mrs. S. A., 396, 399. Pomeroy, Mrs. Lucy G., 62. Porter, Mrs. Eliza C., 48, 161-171, 174, 182, 183, 185,186, 209. Porter, Miss Elizabeth L., 409. Porter, Mrs. T. M., 409. Reese, Mrs. A., 408. Reid, Mrs. H. A., 408. Reynolds, Mrs. J. P., 409. Rexford, Misses, 410. Rich, Miss, 370. Richardson, Mrs., 89. Rogers, Mrs. William B., 411. Ross, Miss Anna Maria, 62, 343-351. Rouse, Mrs. B., 53. Russell, Mrs. C. E., 410. Safford, Miss Mary J., 163, 357-361. Sager, Mrs., 408. Salter, Mrs. J. D.B., 409. Schaums, Mrs., 409. Schuyler, Miss Louisa Lee, 53. Selby, Mrs. Paul, 409. Seward, Mrs. T. W., 411. Seymour, Mrs. Horatio, 53. Shattuck, Mrs. Anna M.,408. Shaw, Mrs. G. H., 411. Sheads, Miss Carrie, 85, 86