Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Alfred Rhett or search for Alfred Rhett in all documents.

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n's and other batteries, so as to observe that all were ready. Captain Rhett's battery of heavy guns was visited, posted on the heights backon the firing of the signal guns, I moved from camp, and posted Captain Rhett's heavy battery in pits which he had prepared on the hill southelfth. On the twelfth, our infantry having evacuated the town, Captain Rhett's and Captain Parker's batteries opened their rifles occasional at the position of the principal pontoon bridges of the enemy, Captain Rhett also enfilading two of the principal streets. These fires inva's battery, in a new position north of the plank road, opposite Captain Rhett, whence the street leading to the pontoon bridge could be enfilards made pits in this position for guns, with Captains Moody's and Rhett's cannoneers, but they were only completed on the morning of the engh appreciation of the gallantry and efficiency of Captains Jordan, Rhett, Moody, Woolfolk, and Parker, before attested on many a hard-fought
garrison, under its gallant commander, Colonel Alfred Rhett, ably seconded by Lieutenant-Colonel J.ted much on both sides of the channel, and Colonel Rhett, Lieutenant-Colonel Yates, Major Blanding, Jordan, Chief of Staff. Report of Colonel Alfred Rhett of engagement of Seventh of April, betwe she now lies. Respectfully submitted, Alfred Rhett, Colonel, commanding. Brigadier-Generamore particularly from the observations of Colonel Rhett, commanding Fort Sumter, and Lieutenant S.and the batteries of Fort Sumter, under Colonel Alfred Rhett, kept up a continuous fire upon the groer building a work at their extreme left. Colonel Rhett, commanding Fort Sumter; Captain Mitchell,. The garrison of Fort Sumter, under Colonel Alfred Rhett and Major Ormsby Blanding, have stood ttion or undue delay. I refer generally to Colonel Rhett's reports for the mention of those subordi A. D. C. Send the above dispatch to Colonel Rhett, Fort Sumter, and Brigadier-General Taliaf[1 more...]