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ing. The enemy were well armed, and provided with ammunition of an excellent quality. Our brigade was commanded by Colonel Rice, of the Thirty-third Iowa. He acquitted himself, well. Most of our wounded have been sent North, and it is painful tg.--Gen. F. Salomon, commanding forces in the field, and at half-past 4 o'clock A. M., in pursuance of orders from Col. Samuel A. Rice, of the Thirty-third Iowa infantry, commanding Second brigade, we marched westward across the bottom at double-quio companies of skirmishers to dislodge and drive them back; but finding them too strongly posted, and being directed by Col. Rice to hold the position at all hazards, I continued to reenforce the line until eight companies were deployed. In the monel, Very respectfully, your obedient servant, Thomas H. Benton, Jr., Colonel Twenty-ninth Iowa Infantry. To Colonel Samuel A. Rice, Commanding Second Brigade, Thirteenth Division of Thirteenth Army Corps. Lieut.--Colonel Pase's report.
of the encampment when General Keyes and staff rode from Headquarters toward the front. The General's staff on the occasion was composed of the following officers: Medical Director Mulford, Major White-head, Major Jackson, Captain Howard, and Captain Rice. Though the kindness of Captain Howard, I was mounted on a captured secesh horse, which kept me well up with the staff during the march and the many inspections personally made by the General during the two days of our operations. The usua Yankees, in which the latter were defeated. No such fight had occurred, and the rumor died out with the setting of the sun. When the bridge over South-Anna River, on the Central Railroad, Friday, was burned, the position was defended by Lieutenant Rice and fifty-one men of company A, Forty-fourth North-Carolina troops, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Hargrove, of that regiment. The defence was most gallant and obstinate, though against such odds as to be unsuccessful. They were a
J. W. Welles, L. D. Alden, company F; Sergeant Henry S. Carroll, Corporal James K. Frier, private J. S. Martin, company D; private John Driscoll, Kansas cavalry, all in Fort Curtis. Battery A--Sergeants D. R. McClammer and George B. Maher. Battery B--Corporal George W. Coleman. Battery C--Sergeant James M. Freeman; privates Thomas W. Wheeler and Joseph W. Phillips. Battery D--Corporal Robert McPhate (Dubuque battery) and Luke P. Maxen. Nathaniel Leavitt, commissary sergeant, killed at his post. Color-Sergeant Patrick Collins, a regular soldier of twenty-six years standing, wounded in the face while bravely fighting over the parapet of battery D. There were others who did as well as those named, but whose names have not been handed me. The entire regiment, officers and men, be haved with steadiness and judgment. Very respectfully, William H. Heath, Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding Regiment. To Colonel S. A. Rice, Commanding Second Brigade, Third Division, Thirteenth Army Corps.
ossed the river and dashed immediately upon Little Rock. But with only two regiments, and in ignorance of the force he would encounter upon the opposite bank, the crossing could not be attempted. General Steele arrived the same evening, with General Rice's and Colonel Engleman's infantry divisions. An examination of the ford led Generals Davidson and Steele to hesitate about trusting their batteries in the treacherous quicksands of the Arkansas, and demonstrated that artillery could only be crossed by a pontoon-bridge. The advance of the trains was very slow and tedious, notwithstanding General Rice's pioneers had widened the road, and in many places constructed an entirely new one. The wheels sank to the hub at every revolution for miles, and the pontoon train did not arrive until the afternoon of the day following, being the ninth. In the mean time the enemy had brought down a battery and two or three regiments to dispute our crossing. The possibility of crossing the Arkansa
aptain Allen, A. C. S., and Captain Noble, A. Q. M., who were in charge of the stores in the depot. I ordered the establishment of camps for the sick and convalescents, and organized the command in the best manner possible. Davidson pushed on to Clarendon, and established a ferry for crossing the troops; corduroying two miles of bottom, and laying down the pontoon-bridge across Rock Roe Bayou. On the nineteenth of August, the Helena troops organized into a division, Colonel now Brigadier-General S. A. Rice marched toward Clarendon, with orders to reconstruct the bridges which had been destroyed by the rebels, and to make all necessary repairs on the road, which was in bad condition. Kimball's division, under Colonel William E. McClean, followed next day. The whole command was at Clarendon and commenced crossing the river on the seventeenth of August. Before the crossing was effected I found my operations encumbered by over a thousand sick. To have established a hospital and dep
n we remember that eighty-six of his men lay dead on the field, and two hundred and seventy were taken prisoners. Of the number of his wounded I cannot speak, not being advised. My loss in killed and wounded was near one hundred. The part taken by my command in the two days further pursuit of the enemy was unimportant. I can only say that I joined in the general pursuit, and occasionally picked up prisoners here and there on our passage over the country. To the members of my staff--Captain Rice, A. A. G., Captain Newell, Topographical Engineer, Captain Hunt, A. D. C., Lieutenant C. I. Ward, Acting Inspector, Lieutenant Harding, Provost-Marshal, and Lieutenant Mayer, Acting Orderly, and the gallant officers and men of my command, who, marching over four hundred miles, through a country where subsistence was not furnished by the wayside, as was the case in the pursuit of the notorious Morgan —— subsisting twenty-two days on five days rations, and such supplies as could be gathered