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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Report of General Kershaw. (search)
These two days were excessively hot, and on the 17th many cases of sun-stroke occurred. At Gaines' Cross-roads the wagons were sent by the way of Front Royal; Rice's battalion was detached as a guard to the division train; 18th, marched to Piedmont; 19th, to Ashby's Gap, where Rice's battalion rejoined the command; 20th, crosRice's battalion rejoined the command; 20th, crossed the Shenandoah river at Berry's Ford; 21st, recrossed and took position in line of battle near Paris to resist a threatened attack of the enemy; 22d, returned to camp on western side of the river; 23d, obtained 503 new arms from Winchester; 24th, marched to Summit Point; 25th, to Martinsburg; 26th, crossed Potomac river, campecame up soon after and cleared the orchard with the assistance of the fire of my Eighth South Carolina, Colonel Henegan, on my left, and James' battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel Rice, the next in order of battle. This brigade then moved so far to the left as no longer to afford me any assistance. In a few minutes after my line halted
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Field telegrams from Headquarters A. N. V. (search)
neral Wade Hampton, Vernon Church via Hanover Junction: If Sheridan escapes you and gets to his transports at the White House you must lose no time in moving your command to our right near Petersburg. Keep yourself thoroughly advised of his movements and intentions as far as practicable. R. E. Lee, General. Drewry's Bluff, 3:30 A. M., 18th June, 1864. Superintendent Richmond and Petersburg R. Rd., Richmond: Can trains run through to Petersburg? If so, send all cars available to Rice's Turnout. If they cannot run through, can any be sent from Petersburg to the point where the road is broken? It is important to get troops to Petersburg without delay. R. E. Lee, General. Official: W. H. Taylor, A. A. G. Headquarters Army N. Va., June 18th, 1864. General J. A. Early, Lynchburg, Va: Grant is in front of Petersburg. Will be opposed there. Strike as quick as you can, and, if circumstances authorize, carry out the original plan, or move upon Petersburg without delay