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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 14: first weeks in London.—June and July, 1838.—Age, 27. (search)
e years one of the senior clerks of the colonial office. He married, in 1839, a daughter of Lord Monteagle (Thomas Spring Rice). the author of Philip Van Artevelde, Babbage, Senior, Lord Lansdowne, Mrs. Lister, Mrs. Lister (Maria Theresa), a sistewis, and died in 1865. She is the author of Lives of the Friends and Contemporaries of Lord Chancellor Clarendon. Spring Rice's Thomas Spring Rice, 1790-1866. He represented Limerick in Parliament from 1820 to 1832, and Cambridge from 1832 to Rice, 1790-1866. He represented Limerick in Parliament from 1820 to 1832, and Cambridge from 1832 to 1839; was Under-Secretary of State of the Home Department in 1827; Secretary of the Treasury from 1830 to 1834; Secretary of State for the Colonies in 1834; Chancellor of the Exchequer from 1835 to September, 1839, when he was appointed Comptroller-Grvants cried out the name of the owner. There was the élite of England's nobility,—it was all lord or lady, except Spring Rice; the only untitled name I heard pronounced was that of the Chancellor of the Exchequer. I stood there an hour with dowage