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enemy were circulated, and were believed even by officers of high rank. Upon the second day, matters had arrived at such a state, and the excitement and disorder were so extreme, that it became necessary to take other precautions to repress the license that was prevailing, besides the establishment of guards and sentinels about the camps where the troops lay; and General Johnston ordered the establishment of a strong military police in Nashville. The First Missouri Infantry, Under Colonel Rich, a valuable officer, who lost his life at Shiloh. one of the finest and best-disciplined regiments in the service, was detailed for this duty, and Morgan's squadron was sent to assist it. Our duty was to patrol the city and suburbs, and we were constantly engaged at it until the city was evacuated. Floyd had no common task in holding in check an infuriated mob, and in giving coherence to the routed fugitives of Donelson. His duty was, besides, to save from the wreck the most importan
locality, though conflicting and unreliable in the extreme, appeared to agree in placing the strength of the rebels at one thousand two hundred, cavalry and infantry, in addition to the heavy batteries, which they represented as containing nine heavy pieces, two of them being columbiads. Under these circumstances, I deemed it expedient on consultation with Capt. Steedman, United States Navy, commanding naval forces, to call upon the garrison of Fernandina for reenforcements. To this call Col. Rich, Ninth regiment Maine volunteers, commanding that garrison, responded promptly, by sending three hundred men early on the following morning. Later on that day, from further information received, Captain Steedman, at my request, sent three gunboats to feel the position of the rebels, shelling them as they advanced, when the batteries were found to be evacuated. After which Lieut. Snell, United States Navy, sent a boat ashore and raised the American flag, finding the rebel flag in the ba
o them the route pursued by General Carter in his expedition to East-Tennessee. The First battalion of the Seventh Ohio cavalry, under command of Major Reany, consisting of company A, Captain Green, First Lieutenant A. Hall; company B, Captain Lewis, First Lieutenant J. P. Santmyer, Second Lieutenant W. T. Burton; company C, Captain Simpson, Second Lieutenant M. Schuler; company D, Captain E. Lindsay, Second Lieutenant, Samuel Murphy; Acting Adjutant, D. Sayer; Acting Quartermaster, Second Lieutenant Rich--left this camp on the twentieth of December, under the guidance of Colonel Carter, of the Second Tennessee volunteers, and proceeded to Clarke's salt-works, at the head of the Kentucky River, where we were to meet a force of cavalry, under General Carter, to proceed somewhere, on some important business, no one knew where or what. We arrived at our destination on the twenty fourth ultimo, ahead of the rest of the force. Clarke's salt-works is situated near the mouth of Goose Cre
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Pennsylvania Volunteers. (search)
s Independent Company Militia Infantry. Organized at Harrisburg October, 1862, and February, 1863. Mustered out July, 1863. McKnight's Independent Company Militia Infantry. Organized at Philadelphia July 11, 1863. Mustered out August, 1863. Mann's Independent Company Militia Infantry. Organized at Philadelphia June 17, 1863. Mustered out July 24, 1863. Mitchell's Independent Company Militia Infantry. Organized at Harrisburg July 18, 1863. Mustered out September 2, 1863. Rich's Independent Company Militia Infantry. Organized at Philadelphia June 29, 1863. Mustered out July 8, 1863. Roberts' Independent Company Militia Infantry. Organized at West Chester July 1, 1863. Mustered out July 8, 1863. Spear's Independent Company Militia Infantry. Organized at Philadelphia June 17, 1863. Mustered out July 21, 1863. Stephens' Independent Company Militia Infantry. Organized at Lancaster July 2, 1863. Mustered out July 30, 1863.
nders. With much respect, Your obedient servant, Alfred Sully, Brigadier-General, Assistant Adjutant General, Department of the Northwest. headquarters Second Minnesota cavalry, July 29, 1864. Captain John H. Pell, A. A. G.: I have the honor, most respectfully, to report that, in accordance with Special Orders, No. 62, Headquarters Northwestern Indian Expedition, Camp No. 34, July twenty-nine, 1864, I proceeded to the Indian camp with four companies of Second Minnesota cavalry, Major Rich commanding, and two companies of Dakota cavalry, Captain Miner commanding; four companies of the Sixth Iowa, and three campanies Eighth Minnesota infantry, under Major Camp. On arriving at the camp a few straggling Indians were seen lurking about the Bluffs. I immediately dismounted, and deployed company G, Second Minnesota cavalry, who skirmished through the timber and remained in a position to protect the working parties. I commenced by disposing of the various forces so as to destroy
James Parton, The life of Horace Greeley, Chapter 26: three months in Europe. (search)
e a duty on advertisements, and a stamp-duty of one penny per copy on every periodical containing news. A parliamentary committee, consisting of eight members of the House of Commons, the Rt. Hon. T. Milnor Gibson, Messrs. Tufnell, Ewart, Cobden, Rich, Adair, Hamilton, and Sir J. Walmsey, had the subject under consideration, and Mr. Greeley, as the representative of the only untrammeled press in the world, was invited to give the committee the benefit of his experience. Mr. Greeley's evidence,eration of the advertisement duty, an advertisement is charged ten times as much in one paper as in another. An advertisement in the Times may be worth five pounds, while in another paper it is only worth one pound; but the duty is the same. Mr. Rich. The greater the number of small advertisements in papers, the greater the advantage to their proprietors? Mr. Greeley. Yes. Suppose the cost of a small advertisement to be five shillings, the usual charge in the Times; if you have to pay a s
Lydia Maria Child, Isaac T. Hopper: a true life, Contents. (search)
6. Thomas Harrison, 122. James Lawler, 123. William Anderson, 126. Sarah Roach, 129. Zeke, 133. Poor Amy, 137. Manuel, 139. Slaveholders mollified, 145. The United States Bond, 149. The tender mercies of a Slaveholder, 157. The Foreign Slave, 160. The New-Jersey Slave, 164. A Slave Hunter Defeated, 168. Mary Morris, 173. The Slave Mother, 176. Colonel Ridgeley's Slave, 179. Stop Thief! 185. The Disguised Slaveholder, 189. The Slave of Dr. Rich, 192. His Knowledge of Law, 202. Mutual Confidence between him and the Colored People, 204. Mercy to Kidnappers, 206. Richard Allen, the Colored Bishop, 208. The Colored Guests at his Table, 210. Kane the Colored Man fined for Blasphemy, 211. John McGrier, 212. Levi Butler, 215. The Musical Boy, 217. Mary Norris, 220. The Magdalen, 221. The Uncomplimentary Invitation, 222. Theft from Necessity, 224. Patrick McKeever, 225. The Umbrella Girl, 229.
Lydia Maria Child, Isaac T. Hopper: a true life, The slave of Dr. Rich. (search)
The slave of Dr. Rich. In the autumn of 1828, Dr. Rich of Maryland came to Philadelphia with hiDr. Rich of Maryland came to Philadelphia with his wife, who was the daughter of an Episcopal clergyman in that city, by the name of Wiltbank. She bThe next morning she was not to be found; and Dr. Rich went in search of her, with his fatherin-law,u will cause her to be brought to your house, Dr. Rich and myself will come here at eight o'clock thill never voluntarily return into slavery. Dr. Rich and Mr. Wiltbank called in the evening, and w return. She is in your house now, exclaimed Dr. Rich. I can prove it; and if you don't let me see u hast seventeen hundred dollars to spare? Dr. Rich answered that he could well afford to lose thabout to re-enter the house, when he observed Dr. Rich, who was so wrapped up in a large cloak, that the other was eating. But they replied that Dr. Rich had ordered them to hold no communication wit! or I will throw this in your face. When Dr. Rich called again, he was received politely, and t
--We want men in command with spirit, and suited to the emergency. Capt. John Cohoon, long the presiding Magistrate of our County Court, but of late being infirm from old age, was conveyed from his residence yesterday to cast the first spade of dirt at Town Point. The Captain has heretofore been a strong Union man, but is perfectly indignant at the course of the Yankee Administration. Hundreds of negroes are employed on our fortifications, in charge of the best military engineers. Lieut. Rich, late in charge of the Pennsylvania, but who escaped from that ship to the ranks of the Southern army, has been appointed by Gen. Gwynn in command of Town Point. Everybody was elated to see Gen. Gwynn on Sunday last. He is very generally known hereabouts, and has two sons residing in the county. War stock went up five hundred per cent. at the sight of him. Hundreds of troops from Petersburg, Richmond, South Carolina and Georgia, are daily passing over our railroads to where it
he killed already given by us, we have the following: Capt Robert Jones, 1st S C; Serg't John Johnstone, 6th Va; Privates Robt Simmons, 3d Va; G E Westcott, 10th Va; Upshur Manning, 12th Va; A E Dornim, Moorman's battery; J Kent Longhorn, Wise Troop;-- Preston, 2d Va cavalry. The following is a partial list of those who are wounded: Col Butler, 1st S C, leg amputated; Captain Farley, Stuart's staff, leg amputated; Capt White, Stuart's staff; Lieut N Richardson, 10th Va Lieut C G Shumate, 6th Va; Lieut R W Allen, 6th Va; Lieut John Puryear, 3d Va; Major M D Ball, 11th Va, slightly; Capt Andrews, 2d N C; Lieut Blessingame, 2d N C; Sergt J M Durrett, 10th Va; Serg't John Mason, 10th Va; Corp'l B C Brown, 10th Va. Among the names of officers given as captured are Lieut-Col Wm H Payne, 4th Va, and Capt Rich, of Young's regiment. We had no Colonels killed, except Cols. Williams and Hampton. Col. Green, who was at first reported among the slain, was not injured.