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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 11., Medford fifty-four years ago. (search)
, and what would ye do if ye found 'em? Tell me that! I could not tell him, and our conversation ended. I returned to Boston that afternoon, but I was n't satisfied. There was something about the atmosphere of Medford that appealed to me, and the following week I packed my carpet bag and went back, this time by train. I found a boarding place in the square, in the house on the corner of Forest and Salem streets, where Timothy Cotting afterward erected his brick block. A baker named Richardson occupied one half, while the other was lived in by Mr. Gibbs, the worthy watchmaker, whose store was just opposite. On the opposite corner of the same streets stood an ancient building, the Tufts house, I think it was called, with one or two immense trees in front. At that time it was occupied—the lower half, at least—by a Mr. Peak, whose family later toured New England as the Bell Ringers. Mr. Peak was a skilful barber, as well as a hustling periodical dealer. He was a slender, acti
ry ill, and was at times very irascible. But nothing ever disturbed the good deacon's serenity. After the death of Mr. Fay, the firm was reorganized with C. A. Richardson and W. L. Greene as partners. This co-partnership, with Mr. Richardson as office editor, continued until 1867, when Mr. James at the age of seventy-seven reMr. Richardson as office editor, continued until 1867, when Mr. James at the age of seventy-seven retired. It was with great reluctance that Mr. James severed these ties of business. In July, 1866, he wrote his partners: I had hoped that our present arrangement and ownership in the Congregationalist might have remained as they are during the short remainder of my life, or at least till my son found himself so circumstanced as ely as an investment but because the paper has become dear to me as the object of much anxiety, interest, expenditure and prayer. At that time he sold to Messrs. Richardson and Greene each a twelfth part of the paper, making them equal partners with himself; and made an agreement to sell the third, which he retained, on July 1,