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opened fire on Imboden's battery — about this time increased by two rifle pieces of the Washington Artillery, under Lieut. Richardson, and already the mark of two batteries, which divided their fire with Imboden, and two guns, under Lieuts. Davidsonw's four regiments, the two companies 11th Mississippi, under Lieut. Col. Liddell, and the six pieces under Imboden and Richardson. The enemy had two divisions of four strong brigades, including seventeen companies of regular infantry, cavalry and aad been handled with marked skill, but whose men were almost exhausted, and the two pieces of Walton's battery under Lieut Richardson, being threatened by the enemy's infantry on the left and front, were also obliged to fall back. Imboden, leaving a disabled piece on the ground, retired until he met Jackson's brigade, while Richardson joined the main body of his battery near the Lewis House. As our infantry retired from the extreme front, the two 6-pounders of Latham's battery, before ment