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s, barns, fences, and other property will be carefully avoided, and in all cases the laws of civilized warfare will be carefully observed. Wounded soldiers will be treated with every care and attention, and neither they nor prisoners must be insulted or annoyed by word or act. With the fullest confidence in the valor and the character of his troops, the General Commanding looks forward to a speedy and successful termination of the campaign. By Commanding Brig.-Gen. A. E. Burnside. Lewis Richmond, Asst. Adj.-Gen. Sailing orders. This evening the subjoined orders were delivered to the Colonel of the Fifty-first Pennsylvania. Similar orders have been issued by the generals of the first and third brigades. To-morrow morning we sail without doubt. headquarters Second brigade, Department of North-Carolina, steamer Patuxent, February 4. General orders, No. 8. The following orders have been issued from headquarters, Department of North-Carolina: Signals. To Weigh
S. Naval Forces in Pamlico Sound. Gen. Foster's report. headquarters Gen. Poster's brigade, Department of North-Carolina, Newbern, March 20, 1862. Capt. Lewis Richmond, Assist. Adjt-General: I have the honor to report that in pursuance of the orders of Gen. Burnside, and in accordance with the plan of operations agreedis second victory of the expedition, each regiment engaged shall inscribe on its banner the memorable name, Newbern. By command of Brig.-Gen. A. E. Burnside. Lewis Richmond, Assistant Adjutant-General. And here is another, which will serve to show the quality of man that Gen. Burnside is: headquarters Department of Norins of the different regiments may hold divine services in them. The bells will be rung as usual. . . . . . . . . By command of Brig.-Gen. A. E. Burnside. Lewis Richmond, Assistant Adjutant-General. It has always been the General's practice to avoid unnecessary labor on Sunday, and he never starts on any expedition on that
cer at South-Mills. I have the honor to be, Your obedient servant, A. E. Burnside, Major-General Commanding Department of North-Carolina. Report of General Reno. headquarters Second division, Newbern, N. C., April 22, 1862. Capt. Lewis Richmond, Assistant Adjutant-General : Captain: I have the honor to report that, in obedience to the order of Major-Gen. Burnside, I proceeded from Newbern, with the Twenty-first Massachusetts and Fifty-first Pennsylvania regiments, to Roanoke, e name Camden, April 19th. The General Commanding desires to express his approbation of Gen. Reno's strict observance of his orders, when the temptation to follow the retreating enemy was so great. By command of Major-Gen. A. E. Burnside. Lewis Richmond, A. A.G. Care of the wounded. headquarters Second brigade, Department of North-Carolina, April 20, 1862. To the Commanding Officer at Elizabeth City, or at South-Mills: sir: In the recent engagement near South-Mills, owing to the
il 25, 1862, be inscribed on the colors of the regiments assisting at its capture. The flag of the gunboat State of Georgia, which was torn by a fragment of shell, has since been presented tb Gen. Burnside by Capt. Armstrong, with the concurrence of Commodore Lockwood, senior officer of the squadron. General Burnside's congratulatory address. General orders, no.--. headquarters Department of North-Carolina, Beaufort harbor, April 26, 1862. The General Commanding takes peculiar pleasure in thanking Gen. Parke and his brave command for the patient labor, fortitude, and courage displayed in the investment and reduction of Fort Macon. Every patriot heart will be filled with gratitude to God for having given to our beloved country such soldiers. The regiments and artillery companies engaged have earned the right to wear upon their colors and guidons the words: Fort Macon, April 25, 1862. By command of Major-Gen. Burnside. L. Richmond, Assistant Adjutant-General.