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recked or fled in dismay before its pursuers. I have therefore inserted his letters to Lee, in full, in the Appendix, to correct his memory. One of his later statements, however, is disproved by other documents, doubtless also inaccessible to him when he wrote. He declares in the Memoir that he went into the battle of Cedar Creek with 8,500 muskets, and he admits a loss of 3,000 men, besides stragglers; yet on the 31st of October, twelve days after the battle, he reported officially to Richmond, 10,577 effective infantry, having received no reinforcements in the meantime. It would, he knew, have been in vain. One cannot but pity the general obliged to pen such sentences as these: The victory already gained was lost by the subsequent bad conduct of the troops. . . It is mortifying to me, General, to have to make these explanations of my reverses; they were due to no want of effort on my part, though it may be that I have not the capacity or judgment to prevent them . . I know that
ery, and violence occurred, as in every war, but such acts were exceptional and incidental. Sherman's bummers, as they were called, committed neither murder nor rape; and no houses were burned except by order of a corps commander, and then only when the troops had been molested, the roads destroyed, or bridges burned by the inhabitants. The day the national army moved, the alarm and confusion of the enemy began. On the 16th of November, Cobb, who was in command in Georgia, sent word to Richmond that Sherman had burned Atlanta, and was marching in the direction of Macon. We have no force, he said, to hinder him, and must fall back to Macon, where reinforcements should be sent at once. Beauregard, on the same day, telegraphed from Tuscumbia: I would advise all available force which can be sent from North and South Carolina be held ready to move to defence of Augusta or crossing of Savannah river; but he was informed that no troops out of his own department could be sent to him. R
back if you think it will be needed. I am waiting here to hear from you. The troops moved up the Appomattox this morning. To Hartsuff, who was in command in front of Bermuda Hundred, he said: What do you learn of the position of the enemy in your front? If the enemy have moved out, try to connect pickets with the forces from Petersburg. After remaining an hour and a half, the President returned to City Point, and Grant set out to join Ord's column, having yet received no message from Richmond. He had not ridden far, however, before a dispatch was handed him from Weitzel. It was in these words: We took Richmond at 8.15 this morning. I captured many guns. Enemy left in great haste. The city is on fire in two places. Am making every effort to put it out. But the capture of the rebel capital had now become a comparatively unimportant circumstance. The all-absorbing object was the capture of the rebel army; and when the news that had been waited and wished for so long was