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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore) 4 0 Browse Search
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ph Talbot. Privates, Samuel Davis, Thomas Lane, Marion Barber, Allen Rhodes, Henry Gash, all of Co. F; John Six-Killer, Seamen's battalion. Wounded-Lieutenant Joseph Gardner, Co. F, head, hip and knee; private Thos. Knight, both legs; Geo. Dudley, both legs; Manuel Dobson, both arms; Lazarus Johnson, arm, all of Co. F; Sergeant Edward Lowrey, Seamen's battalion, shoulder and arm; Sergeant Shelley Banning, Seamen's battalion, right breast and hip; corporal Andy Hytower, left shoulder; Anderson Riley, left shoulder; private Ed. Curtis, back and mouth, all of Seamen's battalion; corporal Jacob Edwards, Co. E, head and side. After the fight the guerrillas retreated to a point south-east, known as Red Dirk and Pleasant Gap, where they have since been joined by Quantrel and Harrison. Our advent broke up their plans. They evidently had at first a most contemptible idea of the negroes' courage, which their engagement speedily changed. Bill Truman told in Butler on the Friday follow
ccomplished in such a manner as to prevent effectual pursuit. The rebel prisoners represent that they had upward of five thousand men engaged in this affair, and that they caine up with the intention of driving General Grover's division across the Bayou Teche before General Banks's force could arrive; but they were signally repulsed, with a loss of from three to four hundred. On the field of battle one hundred and five prisoners were taken and thirty wounded. Among the killed is General Riley, and among the wounded Colonel Gray. The prisoners also report that General Dick Taylor advanced in force on the flank, and was in command of the whole. Sibley was there, they say, but he was not in the fight, and never is. About one hundred and fifty prisoners in all were captured by General Grover's command. Immediately on the retreat a reconnoissance was sent out, which met a courier from the advance of General Banks's army, when the news arrived for the first time that the