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n Ward was returned and filed.--T. B. Starke and E. M Clark qualified as Notaries Public.--Samuel M. Price was fined $10 for permitting his slave, Paul, to go at large.--William Arney, charged with steeling, on the 1st of August, $170 from Thomas M. Casey, was committed for trial before Judge Lyons. Mary Ann Seagrow and Edward Williams, charged with receiving the stolen money, were acquitted. --Mike Sheehan and Thomas Wilson, charged with robbing John J. Harrold of a purse and $9, on the highway, on the 23d July, were committed for trial before Judge Lyons.--Elizabeth Taylor, otherwise called Ann Ross, of Harlem, New York, was sent before Judge Lyons for trial for stealing $100 worth of jewelry from Mrs. Susan Walsh, August 4th. James H. Ward, who received the same from her, was also sent on.--The Grand Jury presented John Pero, Emmett Pero, Mary Hicks, Bryant Riley, and Jacob Goldstein, for misdemeanors. Adjourned to 12 o'clock. M. Wednesday.--The Court meets at 11 o'clock to-day.
Hustings Court, August 15. --Present: Recorder Caskie; Aldermen Sanxay, Bray, Timberlake, and Lipscomb. Charles E. Sinclair qualified as Notary Public.--Clinton James, negro, on appeal from judgment of the Police Court, gave security for his appearance at the next term.--John and Emmett Pero, and Mary Hix, gave security for their appearance to answer the charge of misdemeanor.--Fred. Kell was fined $10 and costs for permitting his slave to go at large.--Samuel Connors and Bryant Riley gave security to answer the charge of misdemeanors. The Grand Jury sworn at this term (accept Geo K. Crutchfield, Thos. Bondar, Mark Downey, and F. Griffin) this day appeared, according to their adjournment, and were again sent out of Court, and, after some time, returned into Court, having presented certain parties, "being printers usually employed, and working as such," for "unlawfully and perniciously" forming and uniting themselves "into an unlawful Club and combination, called the Richmon
der, sentencing him to receive thirty-nine lashes, had his case continued, and gave bail for his appearance at the next term.--The case against the members of the Richmond Typographical Association, "for conspiring together as printers to extort money from John M. Daniel," was called up and dismissed on a nolle prosequi. A rule was then awarded against the parties to appear at the next term and show cause why an information should not be filed against them to answer the alleged offence.--Bryant Riley was tried for assaulting Wm. Trexler, a small boy. Defendant appeared on his own recognizance, and the matter being submitted to the Court without argument, he was fined $1 and the costs.--Edward S. Gentry, on appeal from the judgment of the Mayor, defining his status to be that of a free colored man, and adjudging a penalty against him for some offence committed as such, was continued till the next term, Gentry giving bail for his appearance.--In the case, reported yesterday, of Wm. Gots
at all of the men inclined to the commission of warlike feats are not in the army is to be regretted; but that all are not is as true as preaching. Yesterday, Bryant Riley was carried before the Police Court, charged with perpetrating an assault on Wm. Trexier, son of Mrs. Nancy Liggou, without cause, and also for calling the motndry hard names, and threatening to maul the life enter her for interposing to put step in his unsocialy proceeding. The offence committed by Mrs. Liggon towards Riley was one which any mother would have been guilty of under similar circumstances. The lady expressed her entire willingness that Mr. Riley should exercise himself ier would have been guilty of under similar circumstances. The lady expressed her entire willingness that Mr. Riley should exercise himself in feats of arms, but did not like the idea of its being done at her expense. The case was sent on to the grand jury, and defendant committed to jail for want of security for his appearance.