N Parker, J T Bish p, J J Horton, J C Hogan, J A Bird, J M Wilder.
Ninth Company--Capt W R Moore, Serg A T Stockes, Privates R Allen, H J Carson G W Green, D Hoctor, L Kinsey, F Wolf.
Tenth Company.--Capt L Williams, Lieut J J Thompson, Serg M F Cox, Serg L R Cummings, Serg T J Sanchez.
Corp'l D H Bennett, Privates John A Canson.
T McCain, D W Robinson, C L Dickins, J H Stunders, J Moore, J J Thomas, C D Rawis, J F Strach, J J Williams.
Eleventh Company--Captain Ballentyne, Serg Riley, Corp'l Brewer, Privates Bryan, G Clifford, C P Clark, W H Dennison, G Flournoy, W Harrison, J Nall, D B Reed, J B Turner, Luke Waters.
Georgia and Florida papers requested to copy.
List of casualties in the 23d North Carolina regiment, Col. D H Christin, (Gen. Garlan's brigades) in the engagement on Saturday.
Col. D. H. Christie had his horse shot under him, and was painfully, though not seriously, wounded by the fall.
Lieut. Col. R. D. Johnston, severely wounded in the