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y, v. 258.
Patucket Falls, v. 360.
Peculiar Institutions of Massachusetts, VII. 209.
Pilgrims of Plymouth, The, VI. 431.
Placido, the Slave Poet, VI. 261.
Poetry of the North, The, VII. 396.
Pope Night, VI. 389.
Presidential Election of 1872, The, VII. 161.
Proselytes, The, v. 305.
Reading for the Blind, VII. 236.
Republican Party, The, VII. 240.
Response to the Celebration of my Eightieth Birthday by the Colored Citizens of Washington, D. C., VII. 196.
Roberts, John, VI. 104.
Rogers, Nathaniel Peabody, VI. 216.
School-day Remembrances, VI. 316.
Scottish Reformers, Tile, VI. 417.
Sewall, Samuel E., Letter to, VII. 87.
Singletary, Dr., My Summer with, v. 197.
Society of Friends, Tile, VII. 305.
Suffrage for Women, VII. 247.
Sumner, Charles, and the State Department, VII. 155.
Sumner, The Censure of, VII. 167.
Swedenborg, VII. 274.
Taking Comfort, v. 381.
Tappan, Lewis, VI. 278.
Taylor, Bayard, VI. 281.