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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 9, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for John Roberts or search for John Roberts in all documents.
Your search returned 4 results in 1 document section:
--Coroner R. D. Sanxay held an inquest at 9½ o'clock, yesterday, over the body of John Roberts, a free negro, found lying dead in Baker's alley, on 17th street, between Main and Cary. A jury, Abraham Wolff acting as foreman, was sworn re when and by what manner deceased came to his death.
Every effort was made to get hold of the circumstances attending Roberts's death, but without effect.
But one witness was found who knew anything of the affair.
George Lynch, being sworn, say, "you d — d s--, of a b--, I'll cut your heart out." I did not know who it was. He talked like a big colored man. John Roberts then fell down dead.
The jury after hearing this witness, a small but intelligent colored boy, returned a verdictthis witness, a small but intelligent colored boy, returned a verdict that deceased came to his death by a stab inflicted in his breast with a knife or some sharp instrument, by some person unknown.
The body of Roberts lay in the alley all night