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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The campaign in Pennsylvania. (search)
housand cavalry, and four thousand five hundred artillery-and believe these figures very nearly correct. In this estimate, I adopt the strength of the Federal army as given by its commander on the 27th of June, but four days before the first encounter at Gettysburg, excluding all consideration of the troops at Harper's Ferry, although General Meade, on assuming command, at once ordered General French to move to Frederick with seven thousand men, to protect his communications, and thus made available a like number of men of the Army of the Potomac, who would otherwise have been detached for this service. On the side of the Confederates, the entire cavalry corps is included. That portion which General Stuart accompanied made a complete circuit of the Federal army, and only joined General Lee on the evening of the second day; and the brigades under Generals Jones and Robertson, which had been left to guard the passes of the Blue Ridge, did not rejoin the army until the 3d of July.
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The battle of fleet Wood. (search)
efore the second review Stuart was joined by Robertson's North Carolina Brigade, and by W. E. Jones' Brigade on the road to Beverly's ford, and Robertson's Brigade on the farm of John Minor Botts, p the earliest report of the enemy's advance, Robertson moved to the support of his pickets, and enction. Relying upon these regiments and upon Robertson's Brigade to protect his rear from an attackvement could be made without opposition from Robertson's Brigade, I ordered the scout to return andts of this battle it must be remembered that Robertson's Brigade, which numbered more than a thousaport. Very respectfully, (Signed) B. H. Robertson, Brigadier General, Commanding Cavalry. tfully forwarded. It is very clear that General Robertson intended to do what was right. At the tond, 1864. As to what force occupied General Robertson's attention, near Brown's house, I quoteotations abundantly justify my remarks. General Robertson was expected to observe the road upon wh[7 more...]
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Life in Pennsylvania. (search)
and retired to a captured battery, near the swale between the two ridges, where he halted, and, when ordered to retire to the new line a second time, he did so under protest. The troops engaged with me in the fight of the 2d were mostly Georgians, as follows: The four Georgia brigades of Generals Benning, Anderson, Wofford, and Semmes, General Kershaw's South Carolina Brigade, General Law's Alabama Brigade, General Barksdale's (afterward General Humphrey's) Mississippi Brigade, and General Robertson's Texas Brigade. Our men had no thought of retreat. They broke every line they encountered When the order to withdraw was given, a courier was sent to General Lee, informing him of the result of the day's work. Before pursuing this narrative further, I shall say a word or two concerning this assault. I am satisfied that my force, numbering hardly thirteen thousand men, encountered during that three and a half hours of bloody work not less than sixty-five thousand of the Federals,
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The right flank at Gettysburg. (search)
g its movements preceding the battle, by the interposition of Gregg's and Kilpatrick's Cavalry. Stuart was thereby compelled to make a wide detour, only reaching Lee on the 2d of July; and, owing to this separation, and the loss of the eyes and ears of his army, Lee had, to a great extent, to move in the dark. To the fact of Stuart's absence from Lee's army, many recent Confederate writers have attributed the results of the campaign, while others maintain that the two brigades, under Generals Robertson, and Jones, which did not accompany Stuart upon his independent movement, were amply sufficient for the purposes of observation. General Meade, in his official report of the battle, merely refers to the fact that, on the 3d of July, General Gregg was engaged with the enemy on our extreme right, having passed across the Baltimore pike and Bonaughtown road and boldly attacked the enemy's left and rear, and in his dispatches of that date he telegraphed in the evening to Washington: M
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 7: Seven Pines, or Fair Oaks. (search)
Benson's horse battery; Warren's brigade to march up the right bank of the Pamunkey in connection with operations projected for the fighting column. Porter was the most skilful tactician and strongest fighter in the Federal army, thoroughly trained in his profession from boyhood, and of some experience in field work. The Confederate outpost was commanded by Brigadier-General L. O'B. Branch, six regiments of infantry, one battery, under Captain Latham, and a cavalry regiment, under Colonel Robertson. General Branch was a brigadier from civil life. The result of the affair was the discomfiture of General Branch, with the loss of one gun and about seven hundred prisoners. Losses in action, not including prisoners: Confederates, 265; Federals, 285. A. P. Hill was promoted to major-general, and assigned to command of a division at that outpost and stationed at Ashland. On the 27th, General Johnston received information that General McDowell's corps was at Fredericksburg, and
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 19: battle of Sharpsburg, or Antietam (continued). (search)
a.) Art. (E. J. Andersen's battery). Left at Leesburg. Cavalry, Maj.-Gen. James E. B. Stuart :--Hampton's Brigade, Brig.- Gen. Wade Hampton; 1st N. C., Col. L. S. Baker; 2d S. C., Col. M. C. Butler; 10th Va., Cobb's (Ga.) Legion, Lieut.-Col. P. M. B. Young; Jeff Davis Legion, Lieut.-Col. W. T. Martin. Lee's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Fitzhugh Lee; 1st Va., Lieut.-Col. L. Tiernan Brien; 3d Va., Lieut.-Col. John T. Thornton; 4th Va., Col. William C. Wickham; 5th Va., Col. T. L. Rosser; 9th Va. Robertson's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. B. H. Robertson, Col. Thomas T. Munford; 2d Va., Col. T. T. Munford and Lieut.-Col. Burks; 6th Va.; 7th Va., Capt. S. B. Myers; 12th Va., Col. A. W. Harman; 17th Va. Battn. Horse Artillery, Capt. John Pelham:--Chew's (Va.) battery, Hart's (S. C.) battery, Pelham's (Va.) battery. Army of the Potomac, Compiled from the records of the Adjutant-General's office. On September 14 the right wing of the Army, consisting of the First and Ninth Corps, was commanded by
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The first day at Gettysburg. (search)
as a division, under Major-General J. E. B. Stuart, consisting of the six brigades of Hampton, Robertson, Fitzhugh Lee, Jenkins, W. E. Jones, and W. H. F. Lee, and six batteries of horseartillery undnded by brigadier-generals, the other five brigades by colonels. To the cavalry were attached Robertson's and Tidball's brigades of horse-artillery. Under excellent chiefs and the spirit created by to the main body, near St. James's church. Stuart, on the first report of the crossing, sent Robertson's brigade toward Kelly's to watch that ford, and Colonel M. C. Butler's 2d South Carolina to Bgg had crossed at Kelly's Ford, and Duffie, leading, took a southerly road, by which he missed Robertson's brigade. Learning that Duffie's advance had reached Stevensburg and that Buford These maportion of Stuart's cavalry. Stuart, availing himself of the discretion allowed him, had left Robertson's and Joneses brigades to guard the passes of the Blue Ridge, and on the night of the 24th, wi
could not distinguish friend from foe, at the distance of twenty (20) paces. Almost every officer in the regiment was thrown upon his own resources, and each gallantly discharged his duties. Each detachment charged the enemy wherever found, and soon cleared the road and flanks, and extricated the regiment from its dangerous position, with very little loss; while the enemy, by his own showing, lost in killed and wounded nearly one hundred men, including two captains, one colonel, and General Robertson wounded. The regiment was relieved by Ninth Michigan, but companies E and G, under Major Graham, detached accidentally from the regiment, remained with the rear all along, and at the church near Buckhead Bridge, made a gallant charge, driving the enemy several hundred yards, and materially aided the column in crossing the bridge. My command were spectators only of the fight at Reynolds's plantation, being in reserve. After the battle, again took the rear, and I must say that that
Jones, with the Seventh Virginia cavalry, of Robertson's brigade, was sent to take charge of the oude of the Rapidan was driven back by General Robertson, and on the ninth, Jackson's command arrivedille Ford, and moved toward Brandy Station. Robertson's brigade of cavalry was encountered, which s above the springs, with parts of Lee's and Robertson's brigade. Passing through Warrenton, he real Stuart, consisting of the brigades of Generals Robertson and Fitz-Hugh Lee, rendered most importahe close of the action on the thirtieth, General Robertson, with the Second Virginia regiment, undendy Station, August 20. 2d Virginia cavalry,Robertson'sStuart's, 22Fauquier Springs, August 23. 6rloo Bridge, August 25. 2d Virginia cavalry,Robertson'sStuart's, 22Bristoe Station, August 28. 12n, Md., September 13. 12th Virginia cavalry,Robertson'sStuart's,369Poolesville, Md., September 8. 2d Virginia cavalry,Robertson'sStuart's,1 1Crampton Gap, September 14. 1st, 2d, and 5th cavalry,F[15 more...]
enandoah, camped near Mount Crawford, and captured two of the enemy's pickets. Next morning, June twelfth, we occupied Harrisonburgh, captured about two hundred prisoners, many of them severely wounded in the Cross-Keys fight. We also captured medicines, wagons, camp equipage, and about two hundred Belgian guns. Here we again had evidence of precipitate retreat by the enemy. I advanced my picket to New-Market, and then to Mount Jackson, and held that position until relieved by Brigadier-General Robertson. On the thirteenth, a Yankee major and surgeon came up with twenty-eight ambulances, under a flag of truce, asking the privilege of carrying off their wounded. For military reasons, it was declined by General Jackson. (They having enough surgeons within our lines to attend to them.) Having received orders from General Jackson to move back within my regiment to Port Republic, and await further orders, I there learned that he was en route for Richmond, and that I was to follow.
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