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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Lee's final and full report of the Pennsylvania campaign and battle of Gettysburg. (search)
its right being threatened by another body coming from Hopewell towards Middleburg. The latter force was driven from Middleburg, and pursued towards Hopewell by Robertson's brigade, which arrived about dark. Its retreat was intercepted by W. H. F. Lee's brigade, under Colonel Chambliss, and the greater part of a regiment capturedg had been much embarrassed by the absence of the cavalry. As soon as it was known that the enemy had crossed into Maryland, orders were sent to the brigades of Robertson and Jones, which had been left to guard the passes of the Blue Ridge, to rejoin the army without delay, and it was expected that General Stuart with the remaindeabated spirit, and effectually protected our left. In this action Brigadier-General Hampton was seriously wounded while acting with his accustomed gallantry. Robertson's and Jones' brigades arrived on the 3d July, and were stationed upon our right flank. The severe loss sustained by the army, and the reduction of its ammunitio
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General J. E. B. Stuart's report of operations after Gettysburg. (search)
the Commanding General, instructed Brigadier-General Robertson, whose two brigades (his own and Joed Captain Blackford, corps engineer, to General Robertson, to inform him of my movement, and direc passes designated in my instructions to General Robertson. I halted for a short time to procure swas believed those gaps would be held by General Robertson till he could be reinforced by the main d direct from Leitersburg to Hagerstown, and Robertson's took the same router both together being ath edge of the town, aided by the cavalry of Robertson and Chambliss. Our operations were here muc after the enemy towards Williamsport, while Robertson's two regiments and Jenkins' brigade kept toon of our front in advance of the infantry. Robertson's brigade being small, and the enemy being ler brigades were moved back towards Leetown, Robertson's being sent to the fords of the Shenandoah,fort, enough cavalry was sent under Brigadier-General Robertson for his advance guard, through Fron
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Defence of Charleston from July 1st to July 10th, 1864. (search)
iles when it encountered at King's creek a battery supported by a platoon of cavalry which General Robertson had placed there, and after an hour or two of skirmishing, Berney fell back to White Pointy-seventh Georgia regiments and Bonand's Georgia battalion to John's island, and report to General Robertson, commanding that distrtct. With the force thus collected, though not more than a fifth ofby the reports, which are herewith forwarded, of Generals Taliaferro, commanding on James' and Robertson on John's island. I send also a copy of General Foster's confidential circular, found on the vidence, to the gallantry and good conduct of our officers and men. Generals Taliaferro and Robertson, whose districts were attacked, were untiring in their watchfulness and efforts to defeat the his regiment, Bonand's battallion, and the Forty-seventh Georgia regiment, was ordered to General Robertson, commanding on John's island. On the 8th the position of the enemy's lines remained unc