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National DemocratichiTicket for 1860.for president,Stephen A. Douglas, of Illinois.for president,Herschel V.Johnson, of Georgia. Electors. 1st. Dist.--Gorge Blow, of Norfolk City. 2d. Dist.--Henry L. Hopkins, of Petersburg. 3d. Dist.--Jonathan B. Stovall, of Halifax. 4th. Dist.--James Garland, of Lynchburg. 5th. Dist.--Ben. F. Randolph, of Albemarle. 6th. Dist.--James H. Cox, of Chesterfield. 7th. Dist.--J B. Allworth, of Accomac. 8th. Dist.--G. H. C. Rowe, of Spotsylvania. 9th. Dist.--George W. Brent, of Alexandria. 10th. Dist.--Israel Robinson, of Berkeley. 11th. Dist.--J. N. Liggett, of Rockingham. 12th. Dist.--D. H. Hodge, of Montgomery. 13th. Dist.--George W. Hopkins, of Washington. 14th. Dist.--C. J. Stuart, of Doddridge. 15th. Dist.--Wm. G. Brown, of Preston. Election on Tuesday, 6th November. no 2--2t
m. Preston151Isaac R. Dunn160 James B. Newman447 John A. Newman510 John J. Newman429 John B. Newman402 Douglas ElectorsLincoln Electors. George Blow16,223Geo. Rev1,929 Henry L. Hopkins16,27John Wright1,929 Jonathan B. Stovall16,097R. H. Gray1,929 James Garland16,250Thos. Todd1,929 Benj. F. Randolph16, 186Joseph Applegate1,929 James H. Cox16,250Thos. J. Hewitt1,929 J. B. Ailworth16,250Joseph Bell1,929 G. H. C. Rows14,016John McLure1,929 Geo. W. Brent16,251Levi Pittman1,929 Israel Robinson16,241Wm. E Stephenson1,929 J. N. Liggett16,232D. W. Roberts1,929 D. H. Hodge16,103J. L. Freeman1,99 Geo. W. Hopkins16,224Jacob Hornbrook1,929 C. I. Stuart16,261S. M. Peterson1,908 Wm. G. Brown16,235G. D. Hall1,929 Scattering vote for Douglas Electors Geo. W. Blow28J. H. C. Rowe130 H. D. Hopkins27G. A. C. Rowe6 H. M. Hopkins16Isbel Robinson10 Jonathan L. Stovall.153J. M. Liggitt20 B. H. Randolph64J. H. Houge178 C. H. C. Rowe1945J. W. Hopkins27 C. H. B. Rowe153Wm. C.
ton, M Harrison, H L Hopkins, W Hust, Alex Jordan, B H Magruder, Mason Matthews, P W McKinney, Philip Pitman, Joseph H Prince, Nat Siddick, Geo E. Rives, W Robertson, Peter Saunders jr, John Staples, F G Taylor, V Vaiden, Jas Walker, Chas Williams, Jas L Wilson--31. For Chas W. Russell--Wm A Bredford, A Brooks, John R Edmunds, W A Fleming, John Gatewood, Thos C Green, Wm Johnson, M R Kaufman Albert Laidley, A W McDonald, Duncan McLaughlin, C W Murdaugh, B P Noland, John Orgain jr, Israel Robinson, John C. Rutherford, G W Sherrard, H B Tomlin, T T Treadway, Geo W Ward Geo H West, H C Worsham--22. For John J. Allen--Wm. Ambers, John T Anderson, Colin Bess, A L Carter, W G Cazenove, H N Coleman, Robert Croskett, Robert Danney, Thos H Flood, J M Forbes, W C Fry, G T Garrison, John Gilmer, Andrew Hunter, Green James, W T Jones, W T Lundy, R M Mallery, J L Marye, jr., R A Mayo, S McCamant, R D Montague, Willoughby Newton, R C Saunders, R F Taylor, S M Watson, John L Woolfolk, Geo
f national affairs; and deeply convinced that the public confidence requires a practical regard to the above propositions and principles, feel it their duty, from the positions they occupy, respectfully to present them for Executive consideration and action. The Kentucky (Union) Governor Opposed to the proclamation. The Northern telegraph furnishes us the following of intelligence from Frankfort: Louisville, Jan. 9--The Legislature of Kentucky met at Frankfort yesterday. Governor Robinson's Message recommends that Kentucky the President's Proclamation, and against any interference with her State policy as unwarranted by the Constitution. Re thinks the proclamation ing freedom to the slaves in the rebellious States, inflicts upon Kentucky a fatal though indirect blow. He says that the and lost result of the proclamation will be to fire the whole South with one burning mass of inexhaustible , and destroy all hope of restoring the Union, which is only possible by a
ict most of the votes cast were for B. F. Beall. From other Congressional districts the vote is small. From the 2d or Norfolk district it is believed that Col. D J. Godwin leads the poll in this city, over Messrs. Parham, Hume and Mahone. For the State Senate from Jefferson and Berkeley there is a close vote between E. L. Moore and A. C. Hammond. For the House of Delegates from Jefferson county most of the votes cast were for J. Y. Beall and Wm. Burnett, and from Berkeley county for Israel Robinson and Ro. W. Hunter. By Telegraph Lynchburg, May 28. --The vote in the city proper resulted as follows: Flournoy, 424; Smith, 165; Munford, 14. Price, 459; Imboder, 100. No opposition to Rives for Congress. Petersburg, May 28. --The election is progressing quietly. Kelley probably elected to the House. Collier has a large majority for Congress. The vote for Governor is divided. Smith and Munford run ahead of Flournoy. [second Dispatch.] Petersb
The Daily Dispatch: May 29, 1863., [Electronic resource], The elegant and Comfortable for Yankee envy. (search)
Runaway--$200 reward. --Ran away from the subscriber's blacksmith shop, on the Plankroad, one mile from the city, on Saturday last, a negro man named Webb, Robinson. Said negro is of a light gingerbread color, five feet high, about 37 years old; has whiskers, and stammers very much when spoken to. The above toward will be for the delivery of said negro to me, or secured in any jail so that I get him again. L H D Noe. my 28--3t*
ing is a list of the members elect to the House of Delegates as far as received: Albemarle — B H Magruder and — Branch. Alexandria — Harrod Snowden. Amherst — Paulus Powell. Bedford — W M Burwell and Alex Jordan. Berkeley — Israel Robinson and Robert W Hunter. Campbell — F B Dean and Daniel Marr. Charles City, James City, and New Kent — W S Slater, (?) Chesterfield — Wm Ambers. Dinwiddie — H C Worsham. Greensville and Sussex — W T Lundy. Henrico — Joseph J Engy.) King William--Harrison B Tomlin. Marion — A S Haymond and Stephen A Morgan. Monongalia — Evans, Stewart, (?) Montgomery — Douthat. Nansemond — N E Riddick. Nelson — J M Shelton. Petersburg — A M Kelley. Pittsylvania — A Buford and John Gilmer. Prince George and Surry — Taylor. Richmond City — Wyndham Robertson, D J Sounders, and D J Burr. Roanoke — Dyeric. Rockingham — Harris, Kinney, and, Walker. Southampton — Joseph H Prince. Ta
Ranaway --$200 Reward — Ran away from the subscriber's blacksmith shop, on the Prankroad, one from the city, on Saturday last, a negro named Web Robinson said negro is of a light gingerbread color, five feet high about 37 years old; has whiskers, and slammers very much when spoken to. The above reward will be paid for the delivery of said negro to me, or secured in any jail so that I get him again. L. H. D. Nok je 1--7t*
transferring the pay and duty of the State Guard to a corps of cadets, to be established in a military school in the city of Richmond, which was agreed to. Mr. Lynch offered a resolution, which was agreed to, directing the Committee of Courts to inquire into the expediency of amending the Code so as to extend the time of notice in cases of contested elections. On motion of Mr. Shackelford, the bill authorizing the Confederate States Government to purchase and hold property for the manufacture and production of iron and other ores was taken up, and, after amendment, ordered to its engrossment. The report of the committee of conference on the military bill was taken up. The committee recommend the recession of each House from several of their amendments. The death of Israel Robinson, Esq., one of the delegates from Berkeley, was announced by Mr. Haymond, of Marion. Appropriate resolutions were adopted, and a committee appointed to make preparations for his funeral.
Funeral of a Delegate. --The funeral of Israel Robinson, Esq., late a Delegate from Berkeley county, took place yesterday afternoon from the Capitol. The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. Dr. Burrown.--His remains were taken to Hollywood Cemetery, where they were deposited until an opportunity is afforded for their removal to his late home in Berkeley. The funeral was attended by a large number of the members of the Legislature and by the Odd Fellows and Free Masons, of which orders he was a member.