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Your search returned 26 results in 12 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: November 3, 1860., [Electronic resource], Additional Foreign news. (search)
National DemocratichiTicket for 1860.for president,Stephen A. Douglas, of Illinois.for president,Herschel V.Johnson, of Georgia.
Dist.--Gorge Blow, of Norfolk City.
Dist.--Henry L. Hopkins, of Petersburg.
Dist.--Jonathan B. Stovall, of Halifax.
Dist.--James Garland, of Lynchburg.
Dist.--Ben. F. Randolph, of Albemarle.
Dist.--James H. Cox, of Chesterfield.
Dist.--J B. Allworth, of Accomac.
Dist.--G. H. C. Rowe, of Spotsylvania.
Dist.--George W. Brent, of Alexandria.
Dist.--Israel Robinson, of Berkeley.
Dist.--J. N. Liggett, of Rockingham.
Dist.--D. H. Hodge, of Montgomery.
Dist.--George W. Hopkins, of Washington.
Dist.--C. J. Stuart, of Doddridge.
Dist.--Wm. G. Brown, of Preston.
Election on Tuesday, 6th November.
no 2--2t
The Daily Dispatch: January 16, 1863., [Electronic resource], General assembly of Virginia . (search)
The Daily Dispatch: May 29, 1863., [Electronic resource], The elegant and Comfortable for Yankee envy. (search)
Runaway--$200 reward.
--Ran away from the subscriber's blacksmith shop, on the Plankroad, one mile from the city, on Saturday last, a negro man named Webb, Robinson.
Said negro is of a light gingerbread color, five feet high, about 37 years old; has whiskers, and stammers very much when spoken to. The above toward will be for the delivery of said negro to me, or secured in any jail so that I get him again. L H D Noe. my 28--3t*
The Daily Dispatch: June 3, 1863., [Electronic resource], The Elections. (search)
--$200 Reward — Ran away from the subscriber's blacksmith shop, on the Prankroad, one from the city, on Saturday last, a negro named Web Robinson said negro is of a light gingerbread color, five feet high about 37 years old; has whiskers, and slammers very much when spoken to. The above reward will be paid for the delivery of said negro to me, or secured in any jail so that I get him again. L. H. D. Nok je 1--7t*
Funeral of a Delegate.
--The funeral of Israel Robinson, Esq., late a Delegate from Berkeley county, took place yesterday afternoon from the Capitol.
The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. Dr. Burrown.--His remains were taken to Hollywood Cemetery, where they were deposited until an opportunity is afforded for their removal to his late home in Berkeley.
The funeral was attended by a large number of the members of the Legislature and by the Odd Fellows and Free Masons, of which orders he was a member.