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Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 9: the last review. (search)
essenden, my college classmate; the sturdy 15th Maine from its eventful experiences of the Gulf under steadfast-hearted Isaac Dyer, Murray, and Frank Drew; soldierly Nye with the 2gth, made veterans on the Red River and Shenandoah; royal Tom Hubbard, with his 30th, once Frank Fessenden's, whom Surgeon Seth Gordon saved; a third of them now of the old 13th,--these, too, of the Red River, Sabine Cross-Roads, and Grand Ecore, and thence to the Virginia valleys; rich in experiences, romantic and Roman! And now it is the Fifth Corps. The signal sounds. Who is that mounting there? Do you see him? It is Charles Griffin. How lightly he springs to the saddle. How easy he sits, straight and slender, chin advanced, eyes to the front, pictured against the sky! Well we know him. Clear of vision, sharp of speech, true of heart, clean to the center. Around him group the staff, pure-souled Fred Locke at their head. My bugle calls. Our horses know it. The staff gather,--Colonel Spear
life; but the soldier of hard fibre and hard work was under the gallant. Some day a generation will come who will like to know all about the famous Jeb Stuart --let me therefore limn him as he appeared in the years 1862 and 1863. His frame was low and athletic-close knit and of very great strength and endurance, as you could see at a glance. His countenance was striking and attracted attention — the forehead broad, lofty, and indicating imagination; the nose prominent, and inclining to Roman, with large and mobile nostrils; the lips covered with a heavy brown moustache, curled upward at the ends; the chin by a huge beard of the same colour, which descended upon the wearer's breast. Such was the rather brigandish appearance of Stuart-but I have omitted to notice the eyes. They were clear, penetrating, and of a brilliant blue. They could be soft or fiery-would fill with laughter or dart flame. Anything more menacing than that flame, when Stuart was hard pressed, it would be di
- The foe had better ne'er been born Than get in Stonewall's way! These words may sound extravagant, but defeat has met the enemy so persistently wherever Jackson has delivered battle at the head of the Old Brigade and their brave comrades, that the song is not so unreasonable as it may appear. And here let me beg that those brave comrades of the Old Brigade will not suppose that I am oblivious of their own glory, their undying courage, and that fame they have won, greater than Greek or Roman. They fought as the men I am writing of, did — with a nerve as splendid, and a patriotism as pure and unfaltering as ever characterized human beings. It is only that I am speaking now of my comrades of the Shenandoah Valley, who fought and fell beneath the good old flag, and thinking of those dear dead ones, and the corps in which they won their deathless names, I am led to speak of them and it only. Of these, and the Old Brigade, I am never weary thinking, writing, or telling: of the
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 4: life in Lexington. (search)
by that laconic and perspicuous phrase to which it was so well adapted, it often made the impression of curtness. He practised a military exactness in all the courtesies of good society. Different opinions existed as to his comeliness, because it varied so much with the condition of his health and animal spirits. His brow was exceedingly fair and expansive; his eyes were blue, large, and expressive, reposing usually in placid calm, but able none the less to flash lightning. His nose was Roman, and exceedingly well chiselled; his cheeks ruddy and sunburnt; his mouth firm and full of meaning; and his chin covered with a beard of comely brown. The remarkable characteristic of his face was the contrast between its sterner and its gentler moods. As he accosted a friend, or dispensed the hospitalities of his own house, his serious, constrained look gave place to a smile, so sweet and sunny in its graciousness, that he was another man. But hearty laughter, especially, was a complete m
Abraham Lincoln, Stephen A. Douglas, Debates of Lincoln and Douglas: Carefully Prepared by the Reporters of Each Party at the times of their Delivery., Speech of Senator Douglas, delivered July 17, 1858, at Springfield, III (Mr. Lincoln was not present.) (search)
red to me that among a free people, and an honest people, and an intelligent people, that five years was long enough for them to come to an understanding that the great principle of self-government was right, not only in the States, but in the Territories. I rejoiced this year to see my prediction, in that respect, carried out and fulfilled by the unanimous vote, in one form or another of both Houses of Congress. If you will remember that pending this Lecompton controversy that gallant old Roman, Kentucky's favorite son, the worthy successor of the immortal Clay-I allude, as you know, to the gallant John J. Crittenden-brought forward a bill, now known as the Crittenden-Montgomery bill, in which it was proposed that the Lecompton Constitution should be referred back to the people of Kansas, to be decided for or against it, at a fair election, and if a majority of the people were in favor of it, that Kansas should come into the Union as a slaveholding State, but that if a majority wer
ar, are being paroled. His colors, his guns, his stores, are left in our hands. As an earnest of the good things to follow, fifty steamers lie quietly at the landing, and a few days will doubtless see fleet after fleet floating grandly on their peaceful missions from Cairo to New-Orleans. So great, so proud an event comes opportunely on the glorious anniversary of our national independence. The rush of bombs is exchanged for the rush of rockets; the flare of heavy guns for the flash of Roman. candles, and the crackle of musketry turned to the sputter of Chinese crackers and pyrotechnic novelties. They who were yesterday taking deadly sight at each other, are now fraternizing over common comforts, and the din and war of battle is lost in the loud laugh of merriment, and the hum of anxious congratulation. It is, indeed, a glorious victory --not without the attendant woes of war. Six thousand sick lie huddled and crowded in the narrow limits. Nearly every house is a hospita
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 21: closing events of the War.--assassination of the President. (search)
period of the conference. Of General Johnston, Major Nichols says: He was a man of medium height and striking appearance. He was dressed in a neat gray uniform, which harmonized gracefully with a full beard and mustache of silvery whiteness, partly concealing a genial and generous mouth, that must have become habituated to a kindly smile. His eyes, dark brown in color, varied in expression — now intense and sparkling, and then soft with tenderness, or twinkling with humor. The nose was Roman, the forehead full and prominent. The general fast of the features gave an expression of goodness and manliness, mingling a fine nature with the decision and energy of the capable soldier. That leader refused to abide by the terms of the capitulation, and dashed off with a considerable body of troopers, toward Charlotte, to follow the fortunes of Jefferson Davis. He had returned from the presence of Davis (who had resolved to gather all the fragments of armies possible, and find or force
Charles Congdon, Tribune Essays: Leading Articles Contributing to the New York Tribune from 1857 to 1863. (ed. Horace Greeley), Union for the Union. (search)
also? He has been told over and over again, that he was incapable of self-government; and why? Why, but because he was black! Because the wrong pigment colored his cuticle! But we Northern men, we White men, we Caucasians of the pure red and white — excepting, as will sometimes happen, when we are yellow by reason of excessive bile — cannot we govern ourselves? 'Tis a mysterious matter. Our hair is straight, and yet we are in difficulties! Our noses are prettily Grecian, or sublimely Roman--and yet we take care of ourselves but ill! We have no blubber lips to demonstrate our political incapacity — and yet, what, in spite of sacred suffrage, have we come to? We have shins of the most orthodox configuration — but what good do they do us? Sambo may well think, what with our botherations, factions, anarchies, Congressional squabbles, petty discussions, free and fraternal fights, Democratic victories, and other palpable swindles, that, after all, a white skin will not do everyt
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 55: operations of the Mississippi Squadron in the latter part of 1864 and in 1865. (search)
ennessee was one of the prizes for which the Confederacy would contend, and in spite of all the trouble the Federal Army and Navy had incurred to get the State under subjection, it had again been abandoned to the tender mercies of the Confederate rangers. General Thomas, with a comparatively small force, was left to occupy the whole State, so that when General Sherman defeated Hood, at Atlanta, the latter fell back upon Tennessee, and but for the generalship and foresight of that sturdy old Roman, George H. Thomas, a great disaster would have overtaken the Union cause. The Confederate General, Forrest, had invested Johnson ville, and Hood's entire army was reported as moving on that place, the scene of the late destruction of the gunboats and transports. It is not likely that Acting Rear-Admiral Lee had been apprised of the advance of Hood's army into Tennessee, as otherwise he would have sent some iron-clads to that quarter, since the tin-clads were entirely too light to contend
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler, Chapter 14: in command of the Army of the James. (search)
clock, while the movement of the 9th was going on, the enemy, advancing from Richmond upon our rear, attacked the covering force of the Tenth Corps under Colonel Voorhis of the Sixty-Seventh Ohio, and for a moment forced him back, although he gallantly held his position. General Terry, with the reserve of that corps, advanced from Port Walthall Junction. Two pieces of artillery that had been lost were re-captured by a gallant achievement of the Seventh Connecticut Volunteers, under Lieutenant-Colonel Roman, who drove the enemy back with loss to them of three hundred killed. The woods from which the enemy had been driven took fire under a high wind and their dead and severely wounded were burned. General Terry held his position till night and then withdrew to his place in line. As Brigadier-General Turner's division was retiring, General Hagood, by authority of General Bushrod Johnson of the Confederate forces, sent a flag of truce asking permission to bury their dead and to bring of