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John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War., General Pegram on the night before his death. (search)
oubted bad humour the solitary horseman, as Mr. James would say, turned to the left, crossed Stony Creek, struck into the Flat foot road, and in due time drew near Roney's bridge, on the upper waters of the stream, near Dinwiddie. Within a quarter of a mile of the stream a soldier made his appearance, coming to meet me, and this individual informed me with the politest possible salute that I had better look out, as the Yankees were at the bridge. At the bridge! Where? At Roney's bridge, just in front, sir. This was the unkindest cut of all. I had made a wearisome circuit, reached a supposed place of crossing-and here were my blue friends again lithe most curious events of the war; as the scheme proposed for the destruction of the Federal transports was one of the boldest. General W. H. F. Lee waited at Roney's bridge for some time, expecting an advance of the enemy's cavalry; but none coming, he sounded to horse, placed himself at the head of his small column of about