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and manufactories. They can of themselves, give the Yankees a vast deal of trouble, and would at least render the subjugation of the country east of the river a problem as difficult of solution as it now is. All this the Yankees do not believe, however, but think that if they can take Vicksburg their triumph will be complete. Accordingly, the eagles are gathering to the slaughter from all quarters. Grant demands a reinforcement of 50,000 men. He has already, in a great measure, stripped Rosecrans, and that General has been compelled to fall back. The great battle can be delayed but a few days, and if it result in our favor, it will have been the most important event of the war. We repeat what we said yesterday. We have no fears for Vicksburg. We do not believe that she was ever built to be taken by Yankees. If there be food enough to sustain the garrison and population we do not believe that she can be carried by storm. We put our trust, under Heaven, in Pemberton and his brav
The Daily Dispatch: June 17, 1863., [Electronic resource], Rosecrans's official report of the battle of Murfreesboro'. (search)
Rosecrans's official report of the battle of Murfreesboro'. --The following statistical extract from Rosecrans's report of the battle of Murfreesboro' is taken from the Journal of Commerce: We moved on the enemy with the following forces: Infantry, 41,421; artillery, 2,223; cavalry, 3,296. Total, 46,940. We fought Rosecrans's report of the battle of Murfreesboro' is taken from the Journal of Commerce: We moved on the enemy with the following forces: Infantry, 41,421; artillery, 2,223; cavalry, 3,296. Total, 46,940. We fought the battle with the following: Infantry, 37,977; artillery, 2,223; cavalry, 3,200. Total, 43,400. We lost in killed — Officers, 92; enlisted men, 1,441. Total, 1,533. We lost in wounded — Officers, 384; enlisted men, 6,861. Total, 7,245. Total, killed and wounded, 8,778. Being twenty and one-third per cent. of the forces in action. Rosecrans then estimates our forces at 62,480--puts our loss down at 14,560, and claims to have whipped Bragg in every fight of equal numbers on equal ground. He only failed of achieving a "crushing" victory by extending his right wing too far out. They fired 2,000,000 rounds of musketry, and estimate tha
little nearer still. Our cavalry drove the Federals out of Readyville to within two miles of Murfreesboro', on the 4th inst. --It is positively ascertained that Rosecrans has sent from 15,000 to 25,000 men to Grant, and his movements during the last week indicate a retrograde march towards Nashville. It is said that his headquarters are in that city, and that all his heavy artillery has been sent from Murfreesboro' across the river to Edgefield, about five miles from Nashville. If Rosecrans has not taken shelter in that city, he will soon be starved out, as the Cumberland river is falling rapidly, and in a few days navigation will be finished, thus leavinhis and the railroad lines were evacuated. We presume that movement has been decided on. So it appears that the whole Federal army of the West except that under Rosecrans, and a goodly portion of even that, is to be hurled upon Vicksburg. The Mississippi river has fallen 25 feet, an unprecedented fall at this season of the year,