Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 18, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Rosencranz or search for Rosencranz in all documents.

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Reniors — paper currency — Failure of Mails, &c. Lynchburg, Va., Sept. 17. Since my last we have had all kinds of rumores in relation to military matiers in the Western part of the State and elsewhere.--All the reports which we have from the neighborhood of Kanawha, go to prove that severe fighting has taken place in the vicinity of Ganley river, between the forces of General Floyd and Rosencranz, and from what can be learned of Wise, it is more than likely that his forces, too, haye been engaged. The tenor of what news we learn here, (which romes to us by a different route from which you get your reports.) go to confirm the main points as reported via Lewisburg, viz; that the Federals were badly whipped, with a loss of about 400 killed and over 1,000 wounded, while our loss was very slight--one killed and a few wounded; but that Floyd was compelled to fall back from his entronched position and recross Ganley river, for fear of being cut off from his provisions by the advanc
Gen. Floyd's engagement with Rosencranz --Surgeon Clark, of Col. Wharton's Regiment, in Gen. Floyd's Brigade, and Adjuax Ferry: Gen. Floyd had warning of the approach of Rosencranz, and had thrown up a small earth work in the centre of hin the world but the powerful fortification spoken of by Rosencranz. For the centre breast-work there were six smooth-bore ould have had none.--These seven cannon are magnified in Rosencranz's report to sixteen! Out of five Regiments Gen. Floyd had seventeen hundred available men; Rosencranz estimates them at five thousand! Rosencranz had eleven thousand men underRosencranz had eleven thousand men under his immediate command below Summersville. Five thousand of these he ordered to the attack of Floyd's line at about 3 o'clothe General. The enemy's loss was certainly heavy. Rosencranz's first report said 15 killed and 70 wounded. His secondd and Wise together have not six thousand effective men. Rosencranz has eleven thousand, with him, while four more thousand