Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 15, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Rosencranz or search for Rosencranz in all documents.

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War. Affairs along the lines. The army telegraph reports all quiet along the lines. The recent Affair at Gauley Bridge. It is believed at headquarters here that the reports hither to received in regard to the battle between Gen. Rosencranz and Floyd are exaggerations. It appears that Floyd was firing for twelve hours upon Rosencranz's camp without injuring a single man. There has, however, been no contradiction of the report that Generals Benham and Schenck had gone to the reRosencranz's camp without injuring a single man. There has, however, been no contradiction of the report that Generals Benham and Schenck had gone to the rear of Floyd's army and hemmed it in. Affairs at Hatteras Inlet — the Federals compelled to abandon the Fort. Col. Hawkins, commander at Fort Hatteras, arrived here to-day. He represents that the exposed position of the fort renders it almost unpatentable during such storms as that which recently swept the coast. He asks that the troops there may be sent back to Fortress Monroe, or the works be put in a condition to afford safety from the overflows upon such occasions. A portion of th
From Rosencranz's army. The fight in Western Virginia--position of the Contending forces. Cinjunction of the Gauley and New rivers, to Gen. Rosencranz's headquarters, at Tompkins's farm, on Neate desperation or great confidence. Gen. Rosencranz has just received a battery of ten Parrot. Capt. C. M. Goulding, Quartermaster in Rosencranz's army, arrived at Cincinnati on Monday, dirthe latest account of the late fight between Rosencranz and Floyd. We copy from the Cincinnati Comm The telegraphic communication between Gen. Rosencranz and the country was interrupted by an accratus into a wagon, started up the Gauley Gen. Rosencranz, hearing of his movements, ordered him baw river from the south. The main body of Gen. Rosencranz's army was posted in the angle between th changes were made in the dispositions of Gen. Rosencranz's forces, subsequent to and during the bo, from the disposition of forces made by General Rosencranz, and certain preparations going on, that[4 more...]