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anies, numbering 284 officers and men and thirteen guns--six 6-pounders, smooth bore, four 12-pound howitzers, and three rifled 6-pounders, all bronze — under my command, was assigned to duty as follows: Four 12-pound howitzers, under Lieutenant J. T. Rosser, commanding; Lieut. C. C. Lewis, Lieut. C. H. Slocumb, and Lieut. H. A. Battles, with Gen. Ewell's second brigade at Union Mill Ford. Two 6-pounders, smooth bore, under command of Capt. M. B. Miller, Lieut. Joseph Norcom, with Generalunder command of Captain Miller, with General Jones's brigades, and Lieutenant Garnett with General Longstreet's brigade, were not engaged at their respective points, although under fire a portion of the day. The howitzer battery under Lieutenant commanding Rosser, with General Ewell's brigade, was on the march from two P. M., in the direction of Fairfax Court House, and, returning by way of Union Mills Ford, arrived with the reserve at my position, unfortunately too late to take part in the eng