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J. T. Rosser. --The numerous friends of Mr. Rosser will place his name before the Nominating Convention of the People of Henrico, as a Conservative Candidate for a seat in the State Convention. Mr. Rosser is an experienced and observing man — is an eloquent and able debater, and deeply versed in the history and developmMr. Rosser will place his name before the Nominating Convention of the People of Henrico, as a Conservative Candidate for a seat in the State Convention. Mr. Rosser is an experienced and observing man — is an eloquent and able debater, and deeply versed in the history and development of the various and the important questions which will necessarily come up for decision in the State Convention. He is a true Virginian, a high-toned and chivalrous gentleman; and while he is, and ever has been, firmly opposed to the invidious or open attacks of the Black Republican party, in every form, he is eminently conserMr. Rosser is an experienced and observing man — is an eloquent and able debater, and deeply versed in the history and development of the various and the important questions which will necessarily come up for decision in the State Convention. He is a true Virginian, a high-toned and chivalrous gentleman; and while he is, and ever has been, firmly opposed to the invidious or open attacks of the Black Republican party, in every form, he is eminently conservative, judicious, and anti-revolutionary in his views. ja 22--1t Many Vot