Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 30, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Leonidas Rosser or search for Leonidas Rosser in all documents.

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eriod, indeed, the members were all in their places, and the house in every part crowded with ladies and gentlemen. The profoundest interest sat upon the faces of preachers and people, all alike anxious to learn what, if any changes, are to be made in the appointments of the members. Punctually at the hour named, Bishop Andrew ascended the pulpit, and, coming forward, asked if there was any further business to be transacted, as, otherwise, he would proceed to close the session. Rev. Leonidas Rosser, in a few earnest remarks, asked to be left without an appointment for the succeeding year. Dr. Doggett moved that the request be gritted, if in the judgment of the Presiding Bishop, there was-no legal impediments. Bishop Andrew was of opinion there was none, and therefore the Conference voted unanimously to grant the request. Rev. H. B. Cowles offered a series of resolutions of thanks to the citizens of Norfolk, to the several churches of the city, to certain railroad