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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.14 (search)
on. Thomas Grimes of Georgia, Congressman Seney of Ohio, Hon. Mr. Haynes, Ohio, who was a colonel in the Federal army and commanded a regiment at Port Republic; Congressman P. G. Lester, Virginia; ex-Lieutenant-Governor J. L. Marye, Virginia; General Rosser, General Lomax, General Ransom, Dr. Brock, Dr. Ross, and others. The procession appears. It was exactly 1:50 o'clock when the notes of the Stonewall-Brigade Band were heard, and in a few seconds the blue coats of the mounted police cameral Early was seen to enter the circle the people set up a great yell, and the General was met by scores of old officers and privates, who gave him an affectionate greeting and escorted him to the stand. Generals Johnston, Hampton, Gordon and Rosser were all cheered when they appeared on the stand. General Longstreet did not arrive until the public exercises had begun. He was escorted to the stand by Dr. Cullen, and so great an ovation did he receive Colonel Anderson had to stop speaking