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Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 84 4 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 36. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 13 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for Thomas Lafayette Rosser or search for Thomas Lafayette Rosser in all documents.

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called in and the return march begun. At noon of the same day, Col. J. E. B. Stuart, of the First Virginia cavalry, who was in command of the Confederate line of picket posts, informed of this movement, started from his camp at Munson's hill, near Falls church, for Lewinsville, which was one of his picket posts, some 6 miles to the northwest, accompanied by Maj. James B. Terrill with 305 of the Thirteenth Virginia infantry, two pieces of Walton's Washington (La.) artillery under Capt. Thomas L. Rosser, and two companies of the First Virginia cavalry under Capt. William Patrick. Nearing Lewinsville and learning that the enemy was in the act of retiring, Stuart promptly made a skillful disposition of his small force in the surrounding woods, and, deploying his infantry as skirmishers, attacked the flank and rear of the retiring Federals, who were taken by surprise and at once beat a hasty retreat. A battery near the village stood firm and opened on the Confederates, but Terrill's r
risoners and lost 16, killed and wounded. The morning of the 21st found Lee's 50,000 veterans on the south bank of the Rappahannock, with Jackson on the left, extending from the railroad bridge to Beverly ford, across which Robertson's Fifth Virginia cavalry had made a dash, scattering the Federal infantry near by, disabling a battery, and spending most of the day on the north side of the river by the aid of Jackson's batteries on the south side. On the approach of a large Federal force, Rosser, by order of Stuart, recrossed. Longstreet extended Lee's line from Rappahannock bridge to Kelly's ford. Pope's 55,000 men held the commanding ground on the north bank of the Rappahannock, and a lively artillery duel was kept up during the day between the confronting armies, but with little or no damage to either. The undulating Midland plain, on which these contending armies had now met, was far better fighting ground than was the swampy and densely forested Tidewater country, which wa
Yesterday afternoon the enemy's cavalry were reported to be advancing, by the left of our line, toward Hanover Court House and Ashland. General Hampton, with Rosser's brigade, proceeded to meet them. Rosser fell upon their rear, and charged down the road toward Ashland, bearing everything before him. His progress was arresteRosser fell upon their rear, and charged down the road toward Ashland, bearing everything before him. His progress was arrested, at Ashland, by the intrenchments of the enemy, when he changed his direction and advanced up the Fredericksburg railroad. Gen. W. H. F. Lee came up at this time, with part of his division, and a joint attack was made. The enemy was quickly driven from his place and pursued toward Hanover Court House until dark. General Lee round numbers, 2,500 killed and wounded. . . . The right of our lines is now at Bethesda church, and on the left the cavalry hold, down to the Chickahominy. [Of Rosser's fight, he said:] Wilson fought his way out without great loss, but was obliged to leave his dead on the field. There joined this army, yesterday, ten old and n
ederate pickets near Mt. Crawford, but the Stonewall brigade, of Gordon's division, drove them back and held the turnpike bridge over North river at that point. The cavalry had an engagement with the enemy at Bridgewater, forcing Custer's Federal division of cavalry to retire, by a well-planned attack on his front and flanks. Quiet reigned on the 3d and 4th, with the exception of some skirmishing along the line of North river. On the 5th, Gordon advanced to near Naked creek and Brig.-Gen. Thomas L. Rosser joined the army with his cavalry brigade of some 600 service and toil-worn men and horses, which had come up from Richmond by way of Lynchburg. This brigade was attached to Fitz Lee's division, to the command of which Rosser was assigned, Wickham having resigned. On the morning of the 6th the enemy left the camps near Harrisonburg, Mt. Crawford and Bridgewater, after destroying crops, burning buildings in every direction, before and during their march, and driving before them
and Thirty-fourth Ohio volunteer infantry, General Rosser divided his command into two portions—the cations, thus preventing its occupation; while Rosser's brigade, composed of the Eleventh, Twelfth ae to collect the widely scattered cavalry, and Rosser had but about a score of men to watch the enemetween Staunton and Waynesboro. On the 4th, Rosser, having collected a portion of his command, fo gap and sent a portion of his cavalry to aid Rosser, by way of the War Springs turnpike to Harriso by a ford on a farm road leading west. ward. Rosser made his attack at 10 a. m. This was probably perty of all kinds as he went. On the 13th, Rosser took the old stage road leading toward Charlot of property of all kinds lined the roads that Rosser followed. Marching again on the 15th, by wad the entire community. Later in the day Generals Rosser and Munford arrived, with the remnants ofr on at Mc-Daniel's, after a ride of 30 miles. Rosser, with his staff, rode on to Danville, expectin[12 more...]
ttle a mile west of Appomattox Court House, on the Lynchburg road. The cavalry corps was formed on his right, W. H. F. Lee's division being nearest the infantry; Rosser's in the center, and Munford's on the extreme right, making a mounted force of about 2,400 men. Our attack was made about sunrise, and the enemy's cavalry quicklytry necessitated the retiring of our lines, during which, and knowing what would be the result, I withdrew the cavalry, W. H. F. Lee retiring toward our rear, and Rosser and Munford out toward Lynchburg, having cleared that road of the enemy. Upon hearing that the army of Northern Virginia had surrendered, the men were generally whose brightness was not dimmed by the increasing clouds of adversity. 1 desire to call attention to the marked and excellent behavior of Generals W. H. F. Lee, Rosser, and Munford, commanding divisions. . . . The notice of the commanding general is also directed to Brig.-Gens. Henry A. Wise and Eppa Hunton, commanding infantry
Fifteenth Cavalry, November 8, 1864): Allen, James H., lieutenant-colonel; Boston, Reuben B., colonel; Douglas, Beverly B., major; Eells, John, major; Harding, Cyrus, Jr., major; Pate, H. Clay, lieutenant-colonel, colonel; Fuller, John W., major; Rosser, Thomas L., colonel. Fifth and Fifteenth Virginia Cavalry (consolidated November 8, 1864): Harding, Cyrus, Jr., major. Fifth battalion Reserves: Henry, P. M., lieutenant-colonel. Fifth Infantry battalion Local Defense Troops (Arsenal batam, major; Hensley, James O., major. Tenth Cavalry regiment: Caskie, Robert A., major, lieutenant-colonel, colonel; Clement, William B., major, lieutenant-colonel, colonel; Davis, J. Lucius, colonel; McGruder, Zachariah S., lieutenant-colonel; Rosser, J. Travis, major. Tenth battalion Reserves: Byrd, William W., major. Tenth Infantry regiment: Coffman, Isaac G., major; Gibbons, Simeon B., colonel; Martz, Dorilas Henry Lee, lieutenant-colonel; Stover, Joshua, major; Walker, Samuel T., ma
n with the remnants of his own, Fitz Lee's and Rosser's divisions. He succeeded in joining the army retreat from Richmond was associated with General Rosser in the defeat of the Federals at High Bridsiness at Washington, D. C. Major-General Thomas Lafayette Rosser Major-General Thomas LafayeMajor-General Thomas Lafayette Rosser was born upon a farm in Campbell county, Va., October 15, 1836, the son of John and Martha M. (Johnson) Rosser. The family removed from Virginia to Texas in 1849, and from that State RossRosser was appointed to the United States military academy in 1856. The course of study being then fivewhile leading his regiment in another charge. Rosser was disabled until the Pennsylvania campaign, rtillery on our right flank was driven back by Rosser's brigade, and on June 2d he fell upon the reain combat with General Dearing. On April 7th, Rosser captured General Gregg, and rescued a wagon trctober 5, 1864, transferred his command to General Rosser, went to Richmond and took his seat in Con[1 more...]