Mr., 233.
Rice, W. W., 164.
Richard, King, 60.
Richardson, James, 106.
Richter, J. P., 87, 90.
Rigual, Magin, 22.
Ripley, George, 189.
Ripley, Mrs., Sophia, 84.
Ritchie, Anne Thackeray, 292.
Ritter, J. W., 92.
Rivers, Prince, 255.
Rob Roy, 36, 214.
Robinson, Charles, 206, 207, 28, 209.
Robinson Rowland, 15.
Roelker, Bernard, 55.
Rogers, Seth, 265.
Rollins, E. W., 60.
Roosevelt, Theodore, 345.
Rosello, Victoriano, 22.
Rossetti, William, 288.
Rossetti, Mrs., 289.
Rousseau, J. J., 316, 317, 318, 330.
Rucekert, Friedrich, 101.
Rupert, Prince, 203.
Russell, W. E., 353.
Russell, Thomas, 226.
Russell, William. 21.
Russell, Lord, William, 282.
Rust, J. D., 261, 262.
Saladin, 60, 301.
Sales, Francis, 55.
Saltoun, Fletcher of, 183.
Sanborn, F. B., 173, 215, 217, 218, 221, 222, 224, 225.
Sand, George, 77.
Savage, James, 224.
Saxton, Rufus, 248, 251, 252, 253, 256, 257, 265.
Schelling, F. W. J., 102.
Schnetzler, August, 89.
Scholar in politics, the,
is one of the most kind-hearted men in the world—was hardly less affected at finding he had unconsciously gone too far. . . . . I was indeed glad when the dinner was ended.
June 16.—M. Villemain, of the Academy of Paris Faculty of Letters, is so famous an instructor that I have long intended to hear him, but have been prevented until this morning.
He is now lecturing on French eloquence, in a desultory and amusing manner I should think, from what I have heard, and this morning he was on Rousseau's Emile. The number of his hearers could not have been less than three hundred and fifty, and I endeavored to find out what were the merits or attractions which give him such an extraordinary popularity.
They are certainly neither a strong and vigorous eloquence, like Lacretelle's, nor amusing anecdotes and witticisms like those of Andrieux, nor severe instruction like what all good lectures should contain, for he evidently neither seeks nor possesses these merits; but it was what hits th
Robinson, Henry Crabbe, 411.
Robinson, Professor, 422.
Rocca, M. de, 138.
Rochefoucauld, Due de la, 256.
Rockingham, Marquess of, 440, 441.
Rogers, Samuel, 406, 410 and note, 412 note, 414, 430.
Roget, Dr., 416.
Roman Catholic Church, dedication of, 18 note.
Rome, visits, 169-174; society in, 176-183.
Roscoe, William, 50-52, 297, 298.
Rose, Mr., English Minister in Berlin, 109, 110, 119.
Ross, Sir, John, 419, 422.
Rotch, William, 299.
Rotterdam, visits, 68.
Rousseau, J. J., 156, 158.
Rough Notes, etc., by Sir F. B. Head, 380.
Rudiger, Professor, 113.
Russell, Lord, John, 166, 264, 269, 270, 290, 291, 407.
Russell, Lord, William, 267, 269, 499, 501.
Saalfeld, Professor, 102.
Saavedra, Don Angel de (Duke de Rivas), 225, 228 and note.
Sales, Francis, teacher of French and Spanish, 7, 368.
St. Andre, M. de, 381.
St. Bernard, Monks of, 159.
St. Bernard, Pass of, 158.
St. Domingo, revolution in, 13.
Ste. Aulaire, Count de, 253.
Rome, visits, I. 169-174, it. 58-86, 315, 338-349; society in, I. 176-183; ruins of, II. 63, 68, 70, 81, 345.
Roquefort, II. 487
Roscoe, William, T. 50, 51, 52, 297, 298.
Rose, Mr., English Minister in Berlin, I. 109, 110, 119^
Rosini, Giovanni, II. 93, 94.
Ross, Sir, John, T. 419, 422.
Rossi, De, 11. 345.
Rossi, Pellegrino, II. 106 and note, 108, 115, 116, 120.
Rotch, William, I. 299.
Rotterdam, visits, I. 68.
Rough Notes, etc., by Sir F. B. Head, I. 380.
Rousseau, J. J., I. 156, 158.
Roxburgh, Duke and Duchess of, II. 179.
Roy, Couitesse de, II. 125.
Rudiger, Professor, I. 113.
Ruelens, Charles, it. 312, 313.
Ruskin, John, II. 170.
Russell, Lord, John, I. 166, 264, 269, 270, 290, 291, 407, II. 176, 181, 323, 380, 429, 466.
Russell, Lord, William, I. 267, 269, 499, 501.
Russell, Sir H., II. 79.
Saalfeld, Professor, I. 102.
Saavedra, Don Angel de (Duke de Rivas), I. 225, 228 and note.
St. Andre, M. de, I. 381.
St. Bernard, Pa
abolition of, 135.
Plutarch, 4, 174.
Poe, E. A., 66, 155, 190, 219.
Popkin, J. S., 117, 169, 171, 172, 174.
Posterity, a contemporaneous, 51.
Precision, weapons of, 192.
Prescott, W. H., 59.
Quincy, Edmund, 22.
Quintilian, 232.
Racine, Jean, 92.
Ramler, C. W., 90.
Raphael da Urbino, 188.
Rainsford, W. S., 79.
Richter, J. P. F., 182.
Rollo Books, the, 180.
Roscoe, William, 216.
Russell, W. Clark, 202.
Ruskin, John, 53, 97, 114, 187 197, 206.
Rousseau, J. J., 179.
Sala, G. A., 203.
Sand, George, 56.
Scherer, Edmond, 5.
Schiller, J. C. F. von, 90, 179, 189.
Scott. Sir Walter, 10, 15, 46, 94.
Scudder, S. H., 73.
Self-depreciation, the trick of, 206.
Sentimental, decline of the, 178.
Seward, Anna, 218.
Shadow of Europe, the, 27.
Shakespeare, William, 16, 21, 48, 52, 186, 188, 189, 191.
Shelley, P. B., 190.
Sheridan, P. H., 47, 123.
Sidney, Sir, Philip, 83.
Slavery, Emerson's poem on, 8.
Sly, Christopher, 213.