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is quite probable that Hood intended to delay offensive operations until Lyon's force of three thousand, and Breckinridge's of ten thousand, should be added to his own, making an aggregate of forty-five thousand men. We understand that General Rousseau has preserved almost intact our railroad communication with Tullahoma. He put a good garrison in each block-house, commanding important bridges, with sufficient ammunition and provisions, with instructions to hold them at all hazards, which instructions were carried out; and when the garrisons were attacked by an overwhelming force, he would send out reinforcements, who generally taught the Johnnies that they had better quit the bridge-destroying business. General Rousseau deserves great credit for preserving our railroad communications with Tullahoma, Stevenson and Chattanooga, as well as his gallant defence of Murfreesboro'. A rebel captain states that Hood, previous to the battle, was so sanguine of having everything just
. In 1841 be was stationed at Fort Moultrie, Charleston; in 1818 he took charge of the banking-house of Lucas, Turner & Co., San Francisco, and in 1860 was President of the State Military Academy of Louisiana--a post which he resigned on the first indication of secession. declaring to Governor Moors that "on no earthly account." would he "do any act, or think any thought, hostile to the Government of the United States." General Sherman was the hero of the victory of Shiloh, where, General Rousseau says, "he gave us our first lessons in the field in the face of an enemy, and of men I ever saw, he was the most untuning, vigilant and patient." Grant gave him the credit of the victory. Sherman's was lately described as not a remarkable face, "save the nose, which organ was high, thin, and planted with accurate as vehement as the curl of a Malay cutlass. The face and neck were rough and covered with reddish hair, the eye light in color and animated, but though restless and bounding
h, passed the following ordinance by a vote of sixty to four: "Be it ordained by the people of the State of Missouri, in convention assembled, that hereafter in this State there shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except in punishment of crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, and all persons held to service or labor as slaves are hereby declared free. James Guthrie has been elected United States Senator from Kentucky, in place of Lazarus L. Powell--General Rousseau came in ten votes of getting it. William Pitt Fessenden has been elected United States Senator from Maine. On Sunday, a scouting party from Clarksville, Tennessee, captured south of the Cumberland river the guerrilla leader, Jake Sly. Sly and four of his men were executed on the spot. The Galt House, at Louisville, Kentucky, was destroyed by fire on Wednesday night. Two guests were burnt to death. General Price's army is reported at Buggy depot, on Red river. Go
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