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ofusely strewn around, and many were picked up by citizens who visited the fields and passed along the roads. In many localities, on both the Salem and Forest roads, trees were felled and blockades of fence rails and stones were made to impede pursuit. In removing these some hours were lost by our men. Generals Hunter, Crook, Averell and Sullivan, put up with Major Hutter, about four miles from town, whose beautiful farm was used as Headquarters. In their suite were the notorious Doctor Rucker and David H. Strother (Porte Crayon), the former attached to Crook's staff. Major Hutter, being an old army officer, was well acquainted with Hunter, and talked freely to him respecting his expedition. Hunter said that he had fifty thousand men, and could take Lynchburg easily — that we had better make no resistance. When Major Hutter informed him that it would be no easy task, and that our people, in the last resort, would retire to the Amherst Heights and fire upon them, Hunter re
artillery. (819) In Gen. Sam Jones' brigade, Bragg's army, February 1, 1862. (838) General Jones, Pensacola, March 5, 1862, says: First Alabama leaves for Memphis this evening. Vol. Vii—(915) Ordered to Fort Pillow under command of General Withers. Memorandum of General Beauregard, March 3, 1862. Vol. Viii—(129) Colonel Steedman's First Alabama regiment rendered gallant and efficient service on the 17th of March, 1862.—Report of Gen. J. P. McCown. (161) Commended in report of Capt. E. W. Rucker, regarding Madrid Bend and Island No.10. (174-175) Report of Col. I. G. W. Steedman, Island No.10: Lieutenants Owens and Sanford acted gallantly as men could act. Lieutenant Clark killed, 5 men wounded. (778) I sent you the First Alabama regiment two days ago; they are Bragg's best artillerists.—Gen. Leonidas Polk, March 13th. Vol. Xv—(276-277) Report of Gen. Frank Gardner, Port Hudson, March 14, 1863: Battery served by 4 companies of Colonel Steedman's regiment;
17th of March, the Federal gunboats had made a vigorous attack without effect at Island No.10, the fire being principally directed at the battery commanded by Captain Rucker, who returned it, the action continuing during the day. McCown, pursuant to orders, turned the command over to Brig.-Gen. L. M. Walker, just promoted. On thesidered matters in a desperate condition, and that you were going on a forlorn hope. Brig.-Gen. J. Trudeau was chief of artillery. The battery commanders, Capts. E. W. Rucker, Robert Sterling, Hoadley, Andrew Jackson, Jr., Jones, J. B. Caruthers, W. Y. C. Humes, Dismukes, Fisher, Johnston, were Tennesseeans. The artillerymen wer men were in good form and full of confidence. The only losses sustained by the Confederates in the attack of the 17th of March was Lieut. William M. Clark, of Rucker's battery, killed, and Sergt. I. T. Postlethwaite and six men slightly wounded. Four shots struck Foote's fleet without effect. The exchange of shots continued
harles McDonald; and Forrest's brigade, under Col. George G. Dibrell, made up of the Fourth Tennessee regiment, Col. William S. McLemore; Eighth, Capt. Hamilton McGinnis; Ninth, Col, Jacob B. Biffle; Tenth, Col. Nicholas N, Cox; Eleventh, Col. Daniel W. Holman; Shaw's and C. P. Hamilton's battalions and R. D. Allison's squadron, consolidated, under Maj. Joseph Shaw, and the batteries of Capt. A. L. Huggins and John W. Morton, Jr. In Pegram's division the Tennessee organizations were Col. E. W. Rucker's Tennessee legion and Capt. Gustave A. Huwald's battery, of Gen. H. B. Davidson's brigade; and the Second regiment, Col. H. M. Ashby, and Fifth, Col. G. W. McKenzie, of Col. John S. Scott's brigade. Capt. J. C. Jackson's company was escort to General Forrest. The Fourth cavalry, Lieut.-Col. Paul F. Anderson, and the battery of Capt. B. F. White, Jr., were with Harrison's brigade, Wharton's division, Wheeler's cavalry. General Bragg assigned the right wing of the army to Lieut
cross-roads, formed the commands of Colonels Lyon, Rucker and Johnson, and attacked Grierson's cavalry, drivid Wilson of Bell's brigade, with Duff's regiment of Rucker's brigade, and Newsom on the left. The artillery oar of the enemy, Buford, with Lyon and Johnson and Rucker, all rushed to the attack, while Faulkner's Kentuckn. Chalmers' division consisted of McCulloch's and Rucker's brigades; Buford's division, of Bell's Tennessee ee, hung upon his rear. Colonel Duff, with part of Rucker's brigade, forced the Federal advance back upon the General Lee, fiercely assailed Smith's column with Rucker's brigade. We took him by surprise, and got possesosed so far as they were concerned. Meantime Bell, Rucker and Mabry were steadily advancing, driving in the Fth Bell's and Lyon's brigades of Buford's division, Rucker's brigade, commanded by Col. D. C. Kelley, and Roddll of the Tennesseeans in the district. Bell's and Rucker's brigades, the Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Nixon's and
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Addenda by the Editor. (search)
is uncertain. Brig.-gen. John Pegram. Davidson's Brigade. Brig.-gen. H. B. Davidson. 1st Georgia. 6th GeorgiaCol. John R. Hart. 6th North Carolina. Rucker's Legion. Huwald's (Tennessee) Battery. Scott's Brigade. Col. J. S. Scott. 10th ConfederateCol. C. T. Goode. Detachment of Morgan's commandLieut.-colateCol. Chas. T. Goode. Second Brigade. 1st [3d?] KentuckyCol. J. R. Butler. 2d KentuckyCol. Thomas Woodward. 9th KentuckyCol. W. C. P. Breckinridge. Rucker's LegionCol. E. W. Rucker. Hamilton's BattalionLieut.-col. Hamilton. Allison's Tennessee SquadronCapt. Allison. P. D. Roddey's Brigade. 5th AlabamaCCol. E. W. Rucker. Hamilton's BattalionLieut.-col. Hamilton. Allison's Tennessee SquadronCapt. Allison. P. D. Roddey's Brigade. 5th AlabamaCol. Josiah Patterson. 53d AlabamaCol. M. W. Hannon. Johnson's [Cavalry, 4th Alabama]Col. W. A. Johnson. Moreland's [Alabama] CavalryLieut.-col. Md. Moreland. Ferrell's BatteryCapt. G. A. Ferrell. Was lieutenant in Battery C, McIntosh's battalion, Virginia Artillery; also in Alabama Battery. Artillery. Hardee's corps