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George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard) 3 1 Browse Search
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard) 1 1 Browse Search
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George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 5: (search)
ir calico dresses and colored vandykes, seated at their sewing and mending; the young men came in their frock-coats; and the Chancellor, with his wife, sat in homely simplicity on the sofa, and enjoyed the circle which affection had brought about them. At eight o'clock, however, I took leave of them, and went with the Chancellor to a club supper, where most of the professors meet on Monday evenings. There were eighteen or twenty present this evening, and among them our old friend Knapp, Rudiger, who knows many languages, and looks like a raw farmer from the district of Maine, Voss, Professor of History, etc. The evening passed away pleasantly; there was little eating or drinking, but much amusing conversation, and at eleven o'clock everybody went home, and we bade farewell to the Chancellor and Halle. Weimar, October 25.—We sent our letters to Goethe this morning, and he returned for answer the message that he would be happy to see us at eleven o'clock. We went punctually, and
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), chapter 26 (search)
138. Rochefoucauld, Due de la, 256. Rockingham, Marquess of, 440, 441. Rogers, Samuel, 406, 410 and note, 412 note, 414, 430. Roget, Dr., 416. Roman Catholic Church, dedication of, 18 note. Rome, visits, 169-174; society in, 176-183. Roscoe, William, 50-52, 297, 298. Rose, Mr., English Minister in Berlin, 109, 110, 119. Ross, Sir, John, 419, 422. Rotch, William, 299. Rotterdam, visits, 68. Rousseau, J. J., 156, 158. Rough Notes, etc., by Sir F. B. Head, 380. Rudiger, Professor, 113. Russell, Lord, John, 166, 264, 269, 270, 290, 291, 407. Russell, Lord, William, 267, 269, 499, 501. S Saalfeld, Professor, 102. Saavedra, Don Angel de (Duke de Rivas), 225, 228 and note. Sales, Francis, teacher of French and Spanish, 7, 368. St. Andre, M. de, 381. St. Bernard, Monks of, 159. St. Bernard, Pass of, 158. St. Domingo, revolution in, 13. Ste. Aulaire, Count de, 253. Ste. Aulaire, Countess de, 256. St. Iago, Marques de, 207; his sister, P
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), chapter 30 (search)
81, 345. Roquefort, II. 487 Roscoe, William, T. 50, 51, 52, 297, 298. Rose, Mr., English Minister in Berlin, I. 109, 110, 119^ Rosini, Giovanni, II. 93, 94. Ross, Sir, John, T. 419, 422. Rossi, De, 11. 345. Rossi, Pellegrino, II. 106 and note, 108, 115, 116, 120. Rotch, William, I. 299. Rotterdam, visits, I. 68. Rough Notes, etc., by Sir F. B. Head, I. 380. Rousseau, J. J., I. 156, 158. Roxburgh, Duke and Duchess of, II. 179. Roy, Couitesse de, II. 125. Rudiger, Professor, I. 113. Ruelens, Charles, it. 312, 313. Ruskin, John, II. 170. Russell, Lord, John, I. 166, 264, 269, 270, 290, 291, 407, II. 176, 181, 323, 380, 429, 466. Russell, Lord, William, I. 267, 269, 499, 501. Russell, Sir H., II. 79. S Saalfeld, Professor, I. 102. Saavedra, Don Angel de (Duke de Rivas), I. 225, 228 and note. St. Andre, M. de, I. 381. St. Bernard, Pass of, I. 158; monks of, 159. St. Domingo Revolution, I. 13. St. Florian Monastery, II. 24-27. St.