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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., From Moultrie to Sumter. (search)
the fire opened. About 4 A. M. on the 12th, Major Anderson came to me as his executive officer, and informed me that the enemy would fire upon us as soon as it was light enough to see the fort. He said he would not return it until it was broad daylight, the idea being that he did not desire to waste his ammunition. We have not been in the habit of regarding the signal shell fired from Fort Johnson as the first gun of the conflict, although it was undoubtedly aimed at Fort Sumter. Edmund Ruffin of Virginia is usually credited with opening the attack by firing the first gun from the iron-clad battery on Morris Island. The ball from that gun struck the wall of the magazine where I was lying, penetrated the masonry, and burst very near my head. As the smoke from this explosion came in through the ventilators of the magazine, and as the floor was strewn with powder where the flannel cartridges had been filled, I thought for a moment the place was on fire. When it was fully li
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 2: preliminary rebellious movements. (search)
To dare! From that moment, he was zealously engaged in efforts to destroy his Government. From the same balcony Edmund Ruffin, of Virginia, a white-haired old man, made a speech to the excited people. He was well known as a political and agriction of military works for the assault on Fort Sumter, and also of having fired the first shot at that fortification. Ruffin was in Richmond at the close of the following summer, and visited the National prisoners who ware captured at the battle a patriarchal citizen, whose long locks extended over his shoulders, whitened by the snows of more than seventy winters. Ruffin did not appear prominently in the war that ensued. He survived the conflict, in which he lost all of his property. On Sening of the 7th, November, 1860. a dispatch went up to Columbia from Charleston, saying that many of the National Edmund Ruffin. officers had resigned. That morning, the United States District Court had assembled in Charleston, over which one
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 13: the siege and evacuation of Fort Sumter. (search)
before the attack on the Bastile. Among the demagogues in Charleston was Roger A. Pryor, lately a member of the National House of Representatives; and also Edmund Ruffin, See page 48. both from Virginia. Their State Convention was then in session at Richmond. The Union sentiment in that body seemed likely to defeat the secded to neutralize its power, by elevating passion into the throne of judgment. It was believed by many that this could be done only by shedding blood. Pryor and Ruffin were self-constituted preachers of the sanguinary doctrine. They were earnest missionaries; and on the evening of the 10th, while the city was rocked with excite A richly engraved border surrounded the whole. The engraving was by a German named Bornemann. which had been sent over from Morris Island, with the venerable Edmund Ruffin as color-bearer, entered the fort when the salute was ended and the garrison had departed, and buried the dead soldier with military honors. Two private soldi
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 15: siege of Fort Pickens.--Declaration of War.--the Virginia conspirators and, the proposed capture of Washington City. (search)
et the conspirators worked on, conscious of increasing strength, for one weak Unionist after another was converted by their sophistry or their threats. Pryor and Ruffin, as we have seen, went to Charleston to urge an attack upon Fort Sumter, believing that bloodshedding would inflame the passions of Southern men, and that, duringoy of the secessionists because of the attack on Fort Sumter. A telegraphic correspondent at Charleston had said the day before:--That ball fired at Sumter by Edmund Ruffin will do more for the cause of secession in Virginia than volumes of stump speeches. New York Herald, April 13, 1861. The assertion was correct. While the Ce let me know what your State intends to do? Letcher replied:--The Convention will determine. It was this dispatch — this notice of that ball fired on Sumter by Ruffin — that set the bells ringing, the flags. flying, the cannons thundering, and the people shouting in Richmond; and a few days afterward the Convention revealed it
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 7: the siege of Charleston to the close of 1863.--operations in Missouri, Arkansas, and Texas. (search)
ether the rebels are able, by great sacrifice and exhaustion, to hold out a few weeks, more or less, is of no importance. You now hold in undisputed possession the whole of Morris Island, said Gillmore, in a congratulatory address to his troops on the 15th, and the city and harbor of Charleston lie at the mercy of your artillery from the very spot where the first shot was fired at your dountry's flag, and the rebellion itself was inaugurated. From Battery Gregg, on Cummings's Point, Edmund Ruffin, it will be remembered, fired the first shot on Fort Sumter, on the 12th of April, 1861. See page 320, volume I. Gillmore expected the iron-clad squadron to force its way past Fort Sumter into the inner harbor and up to the city, as soon as that fortress was effectually silenced, but Dahlgren did not think it prudent to do so, chiefly because he believed the channels to be swarming with torpedoes. But immediately after the capture of Fort Wagner, a portion of the men of the squadro
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 17: Sherman's March through the Carolinas.--the capture of Fort Fisher. (search)
hin the distance of the sound of a man's voice from the remains of the grave of Calhoun, the great apostle of Disunion. In the heart of the city which he and his disciples fondly hoped would be the commercial emporium of a great empire founded on human slavery, the bats and owls made night hideous. See note 2, page 158, volume I. It may be mentioned, in this connection, as a curious fact, given to the writer by an old resident of Charleston, that not one of the Palmetto Guard, of which Edmund Ruffin (see page 48, volume I.) was a volunteer, who fired on Fort Sumter, and first entered and took possession of it in the name of the Conspirators (see page 880, volume I.), was living at the close of 1865, or six months after the war ceased. the statue of William Pitt, in front of the Orphan House; the Headquarters of officers in the city, and the National Arsenal, fronting on Ashley Street, were all objects of great historic interest. At the latter place was the little six-pounder iron c
XXII. Secession. Legislature called Gov. Gist's Message Senator Chesnut's speech Boyce Moses Trenholm McGowan Mullins Ruffin Judge Magrath resigns military Convention in Georgia votes to secede facilities to Disunion Houston Letcher Magofiln Conway C. F. Jackson Alex. H. Stephens S. C. Convention Ordinance of Secession immediately and unanimously passed Georgia follows — so do Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas Arkansas, North Carolina, Virginiquire: this information is perfectly authentic. Thus, it will be seen that foreign intrigue was already hand-and-glove with domestic treason in sapping the foundations of our Union and seeking peculiar advantages from its over-throw. Mr. Edmund Ruffin, of Virginia, had for many years been the editor of a leading Agricultural monthly, and had thus acquired a very decided influence over the planters of the South. A devotee of Slavery, he had hastened to Columbia, on the call of the Legisl
Sumter--to ally herself with the Rebellion, or to stand committed to any scheme looking to Disunion in whatever contingency. Her Democratic Governor and Legislature of 1860-61, with most of her leading Democratic, and many of her Whig, politicians, were, indeed, more or less cognizant of the Disunion conspiracy, and were more or less intimate and confidential with its master-spirits. But they looked to very different ends. The Southrons proper, of the school of Calhoun, Rhett, Yancey, and Ruffin, regarding Disunion as a chief good under any and all circumstances, made its achievement the great object of their life-long endeavor, and regarded Slavery in the territories, fugitive slaves and their recovery, compromises, John Brown raids, etc., only as conducive to or impeding its consummation; while the State-Rights apostles of the Border-State school contemplated Secession, and everything pertaining thereto, primarily, as means of perfecting and perpetuating the slaveholding ascendenc
Territory, organized, 388. Columbia, Pa., fugitive-slave case at, 216. Columbia, S. C., Legislature convenes at, 330; Chesnut's speech at, 331; Boyce's 332; Ruffin's. 335. Columbus, Christopher, implicated in the Slave-Trade, 26; discovers cotton in the West Indies, 57. Columbus, Ohio, President Lincoln at, 419. Comerry, 525; attempts to surprise the Rebels at Gauley Mount, 526. Rousseau, Louis H.,of Ky., speech of, 494-5. Ruatan, Island of, Walker lands there, 277. Ruffin. Edmund, of Va., speech of, at Columbia, S. C., 335-6; fires the first shot at Sumter. Ruffin. M R., of N. C., in Peace Conference, 402. Runnels, Hardin R.Ruffin. M R., of N. C., in Peace Conference, 402. Runnels, Hardin R., of Texas, beaten for Governor, by Houston, 339. Rusk, Thomas J., of Texas, on Nebraska, 226. Russell, Col. Wm. H., of Mo., to Rollins, 80. Russell, Lieut., destroys schooner Judah, 602. Russell, Majors, and Waddell, their complicity in the Bailey defalcations, 410. Russell, Wm. 11., of The London Times, his opinio
, N. Y., abolition meeting at, D. 14; flag-raising at, D. 103; regiment from, D. 84 Rock Island, Ill., D. 51 Romeyn, W. H., D. 32 Romney, Va., rebels surprised at, D. 101 Roosevelt, J. J., Doc. 135 Ross, —, speech in the U. S. Senate, Feb. 14, 1803, Int. 41 Rossiter, T. P., P. 118 Rousseau, —, speech in the Ky. Senate, May 21, D. 91; Doc. 329 Roxbury, Mass., flag presentation at, D. 50; war meeting in, D. 61; patriotism of the ladies of, P. 97 Ruffin, Edmund, a blood-thirsty ruffian, P. 27 Ruggles, Samuel B., speech to the 20th Regiment N. Y. S. V., D. 102; Doc. 365 Rule Slavcownia, P. 88 Runyon, Brig.-Gen., D. 55 Russell, Lord, John, on the blockade, D. 83; notices of, D. 91, 301, 303; letter of, to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, Doc. 337 Russell, S. P., P. 18 Russell, W. H., correspondent of the London Times, D. 87; letters to the London Times on American affairs, April 30 and May 1, Doc. 814; his