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ed) "Virginia" for defending James River and Richmond — or, it may be, for all our tide-waters and towns thereon — self-interest and private interests, and the defence of property, claim our zealous action, and all the pecuniary sacrifices involved, as much as do patriotism and public spirit. The employment of such a formidable and almost invulnerable vessel of war, would more effectually protect Richmond, Norfolk, and all the lands on and near their adjacent tide-waters, than thrice the expenditure in any other means for military defence. To obtain such security, every property holder, of city or country, on or near the tide-waters, exposed to the depredations and outrages of the enemy, would secure his private interest, even if by paying one fourth or more of his expected annual income for the benefit. Emumnd Ruffin. P. S — Since writing the above, I have been requested to add another offer of $100, from a friend, for which contribution, with my own, I will be responsib
He paid a tribute to the energy and faithfulness of the Governor, and said he had the assurance of. His Excellency that if the citizens should organize, they should be furnished with arms and kept in the city as a Home Guard. He had therefore taken the responsibility of calling the meeting, and he would suggest the name of the venerable Edmund Ruffin, one of the first to take up arms in defence of the South, as secretary of the meeting, believing it would add dignity to the proceedings. Mr. Ruffin was unanimously chosen. Mr. Mayo then read the following resolutions, which he had prepared as suitable to accomplish the objects proposed by the meeting; 1. Resolved, That in the present pasture of military affairs around this city, it becomes the imperative duty of every good citizens to devote his time, his energies, and his life to the successful preservation of order, and energetic action inference of Richmond. 2. That as the most reliable and efficient means of secur
Negroes for sale. --Twenty-five or thirty likely negroes, women and children, in families, just from the country. Apply to me, at the Rolling brook Hotel, Petersburg, or to Mr. Reuben Ragland, alse of Petersburg. I want to Hire, on my Coggins' Point Farm, in Prince George county, Wheat Cutters, Dinders and Shockers. The highest prices will be given; or I will give one-half the crop — supposed 5,000 bushels, for cutting and threshing the other half, and delivering it in the city of Petersburg. je 27--2t* R Ruffin, Jr.
o A, 2d Miss Batt'n; Levy C Cooper, co C 44th Ga; A H Jones, co I. 1st N C; Thos J Roland, co F, 48th Ga; Ben F Harrison, co G, 3d Va; Ro M Scott, co D, 12th Miss; Seth S Martin. co E, 12th Miss; Wm H Lewis, co E, 1st N C; Isaac Rechelle, co K, 3d N C; Benj J Garrish, 3d N C, co H; John Merilon, 3d La bat, co G; Owen Quen, 14th La reg, co A; Wm T Brantly, 26th N C, co L, died; Jas H Belvin, Elijah W Belvin, 1st N C, co I; James B Benton, 33d N C, co E; Elias S Bruner, 12th Miss, co B; Jno R Ruffin, 33d N C, co B; William Moore, 1st N C, co G; A W Saudurity, 38th N C, co H; Thos Christian, 14th Ga, co F; Jos Ramage, 14th Ga, co B; Lewis Miller, 16th N C, co D; Wm J Nelson, drummer, 7th N C, co C; Jno W Yates, 22d N C, co E. Howard Hospital. J E Moss, 25th N C; H Helms, 48th N C; W D Sitton, J J Justice, J H Edney, 25th N C; Lt R H Grier, 49th N C; L J Erwin, 25th N C; J P Keating, J M Johnson, 4th Ga; W A Roberts, 35th N C; Z F Milbourn, 8th Va; R Bowin, J A Campbell, 24th N C
orcibly the malignity of the spirit which has animated the perpetrators of the disgraceful series of outrages. A negro man was walking along Water street in the morning, without doing anything to excite the most irritable mind, when he was suddenly assailed by a whole crowd of these Irish fiends, and compelled to run for his life, barely escaping from their murderous clutches. An other occurrence of a similar character occurred on Front street, between Sycamore and Broadway. Mr. Baylis, of Ruffin's independent detective office, who was passing by at the time, compelled a policeman who was standing by to arrest the perpetrator of the outrage and he was taken to the Hammond street station house. In the afternoon an Irishman threw a large boulder at a negro who was passing by on Front street, at the corner of Sycamore. The negro drew a large horse pistol, and pointing it in the direction of his assailant fired, but without hurting any one, although the ball must have passed very near
e available. Our wounded were brought down on the common freight and lumber trucks, as none of the passenger cars could be spared. Since Wednesday last and until Saturday morning following not a gray uniform was seen on or near the bank of the river opposite us. Upon the last mentioned day, however, they again made their appearance, and are occasionally seen peeping out from behind some rock or tree. At times can be seen upon the top of the house owned and occupied by the celebrated Dr. Ruffin, (whose father had the distinguished honor of firing the first gun at Fort Sumter, which house is distant perhaps a mile and a half back from the river,) persons who appear to be signalling parties still further inland, which fact goes to prove that they have either forces in considerable numbers stationed thereabouts, or that they are making feints and endeavoring to make us believe that such is the actual fact. We have it from good authority (and from whence it comes we are not at l
rofessor B Puryear, as the contributions of Miss E C Yancey and others in the vicinity of Randolph Macon College, 2 coops chickens, (80,) 2 jars butter, 6 pillows, sheets, &c. T--, of Richmond, $50. R O Morris, 190. E S Joynes, 10. Wm Shields, 20. J A Hopkins, 5. Charles Ellis, 25. Elder Jas Garnett, Culpeper, 27.50. Miss T A Garnett, Culpeper, 10. Frank E Garnett, Culpeper, 10. Joel Garnett, Culpeper, 10. A wounded soldier, 10. E Ruffin, Jr, 50. Thomas Sampson, 50. J G, 50. Miss M E Scott, Orange, 20. Miss Bettle C Alexander, Halifax, 25. Miss J L Coleman, Halifax, 25. Purcell, Ladd & Co, 100. D H London, 180. Mrs Henry Taylor, Louisa, 100. Chas Harris, N C, 50. From--, 20. From--, 100. Citizens of Buckingham C H and vicinity, 117. A lady of Albemarle, 5.50. Children's Fair, corner Leigh and Clay streets, 91. Dr W J Moore, 15. Jno Wickham, 50.
Fifty dollars reward. --Just after the evacuation of Westover by the enemy a negro man of mine, by name Israel, was captured near Evelynton by some of our troops. He was seen in their hands by the overseer who had charge of him, and by several of the neighbors who knew him. I supposed Israel was carried to Richmond Israel is about 22 years old, very black and likely about 5 feet 10 inches high. I will give the above reward for say information which will lead to his recovery. Address Old Church P. O. Hanover county, Va. [de 12--eod8t*] E Ruffin. Jr.
The Daily Dispatch: May 22, 1863., [Electronic resource], Jonathan and John Bull-Pent-up wrath (search)
he following named and negroes: Fhn, 5 feet 9½ inches high, 46 years old, complexion brown eyes black, scar on forehead, on wrist and on the first of left thumb. Wy 5 feet 6¼ inches high 45 years old, complexion black eyes black very bad teeth, steam mere a little when talking. tall, gu bread color, about 24 years old, large knots on first ts of big toes. Joh Harris, 5 feet 8 inches high, complexion black, eyes black limps in his walk. Washington hired of Remand Ruffin, Jr, of Hanover county, Va. Jos, hired of W K Delaney, of Wilson county, H. C. The above reward of $150 will be paid for the arrest and delivery to the nearest jail of all of the above-named negroes, or $50 will be paid for each one arrested clogly. If delivered at the office of the Richmond Railroad Company, in Danville, all necessary expects will be paid and $5 per day in addition to the above for the time employed in him on E D Wilburn Supt Piedmont Railroad. Danville Va. M
. h. Ritler R. c. Roberts J. h. Roctor cpt. J. E. Russel Jas. S. Recerlawn Maj. J. R. Robinson Jno. Root Jno. L. 2 Redford j. D. 3 Redford Jno. 2 Renford Jno. A. Reed w. h. Rochards T. H. Ryle w. T. Rowell Hy A. Rucher Jno. Rogers jesse Rockelle it j. h. Robinson Jno. A. Richardson j. R. Regan h. E. Reache Hy Rick Hy M. Redwood Dr. g. E. Roe g. A. F. Reed F. T. Reynonis E. Redson R. Runstree j. M. Robinson j. w. Riddick it J. F. Ruffin R. Ray w. m. Robertson w. R. Ross Jas. Riddick Nad2 Rans N. Roper Leroy Rey D. B. Raphation L. A. Roter G. J. P. Rechardson Jd. Rock Jno. h. Rolen Jno. Ragan Jno. Rige col. D. w. Randolph c. D. Rand c. A. Rosen chag 2 Rossen 2 Robison c. M. Rogers. c. w. Roddy c. c. Reed A. J. Rachards A. Rawles A. D. Richerson A. c. Richardson R. V. Ranberson A. Rangiand A. Rock P. c' Read N. 3. Richardson N. T. Rourks T. Reitley T. M. Ra