Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 24, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for John Russell or search for John Russell in all documents.

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Mr. Russell at Pensacola. --The Pensacola correspondent of the Mobile Advertiser writes, May 16: Mr. Russell, of the London Times, Mr. Paul Ravesies, Mr. T. B. Lynes and Mr. Alfred Batre, who left Mobile on Tuesday in a yacht for this plMr. Russell, of the London Times, Mr. Paul Ravesies, Mr. T. B. Lynes and Mr. Alfred Batre, who left Mobile on Tuesday in a yacht for this place, were invited by a boarding officer from the United States fleet to accompany him yesterday to the flag-ship of the squadron, to account for themselves and ship in forbidden waters. The interview was as pleasant and agreeable as the circumstanc secret — an inviolable secret — it will probably be declined by a portion of them. One of them may go in courtesy to Mr. Russell, their campagnon duvoyage. This is indeed a privilege to grant an enemy. As to Mr. Russell, probably some latitude wiwill probably be declined by a portion of them. One of them may go in courtesy to Mr. Russell, their campagnon duvoyage. This is indeed a privilege to grant an enemy. As to Mr. Russell, probably some latitude will be allowed his correspondence
The Daily Dispatch: May 24, 1861., [Electronic resource], Clarksville, Mecklenburg Co, Va., May 20th, 1861. (search)
charged with being a bearer of dispatches to Governor Letcher, of Virginia. Later from Texas. New Orleans, May 22. --The steamer Arizona has arrived from the Brazos. The surrender of the Federal forces in Texas is confirmed. Mr. Russell. New Orleans, May 21. --Mr. Russell, the correspondent of the London Times, arrived here this morning. Death of a prominent citizen. St. Louis, May 20. --Ferdinand Kennett, a prominent citizen and politician of Missouri, d Governor Letcher, of Virginia. Later from Texas. New Orleans, May 22. --The steamer Arizona has arrived from the Brazos. The surrender of the Federal forces in Texas is confirmed. Mr. Russell. New Orleans, May 21. --Mr. Russell, the correspondent of the London Times, arrived here this morning. Death of a prominent citizen. St. Louis, May 20. --Ferdinand Kennett, a prominent citizen and politician of Missouri, died at his residence at Selma last night.
The Daily Dispatch: May 24, 1861., [Electronic resource], Durrettsville, Richmond County, Va., May 21, 1861. (search)
Press, &c. The Persia, at New York, brings English papers containing a full report of Lord John Russell's reply, in the House of Commons, to Mr. Gregory's question as to "the belligerent rights ect legitimate merchandize on board neutral vessels. The Southern Commissioners visit Lord John Russell. Mr. Gregory, on Saturday, introduced the three Commissioners from the Southern Confederacy to Lord John Russell. The interview was at Lord John Russell's private residence, and was considered informal. What occurred with regard to the recognition of the Southern States has not tranLord John Russell's private residence, and was considered informal. What occurred with regard to the recognition of the Southern States has not transpired.--Mail, 7th. American Agents Purchasing arms. Agents have arrived from American by the Persia, to purchase rifled cannon of the Armstrong, Clay, and Blakeley patterns; also nearly 200American States was so serious that he sincerely concurred in the prayer of the noble Lord (Lord J. Russell) that we might keep out of it. He hoped, therefore, that it would be distinctly declared th