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o difficult to provide — the navigation of the Mississippi River being then obstructed to us, and the mouth of the Red River, from whence large quantities of subsistence stores were drawn, being blockaded by one of the enemy's gunboats — I ordered Rust's brigade and two regiments, under Brigadier-General Buford, to proceed immediately to Jackson, Mississippi, with the then view of employing them against raids of the enemy in Northern Mississippi, my great deficiency in cavalry leaving that porti these and other corroborating reports, I said to General Johnston, in closing my dispatch: I am collecting troops here, and can send you four thousand (4,000) at once, if absolutely necessary ; and, accordingly, the brigades of Generals Tilghman, Rust, and Buford, were, on the thirteenth of April, placed under orders to move with dispatch to Tullahoma, while General Vaughn's brigade, of East Tennesseans, was ordered to be held in readiness to move at short notice. Major L. Mims, Chief Quarterm
f Lovell's division, Villepigue's, Bowen's, and Rust's in line, with reserve in rear of each; Jacksoxecuted, and very soon the splendid brigades of Rust and Villepigue made their appearance close at hand I crossed the whole division, consisting of Rust's brigade on the right, Bowen's in the centre, unlop, and Third Kentucky, Colonel Thompson, of Rust's brigade; the Twenty-second Mississippi, Capta rear guard on the Corinth road, Villepigue and Rust were pushed forward rapidly. The former, arriv ordeal. To the commanders of brigades, Generals Rust, Villepigue, and Bowen, my thanks are espearatively small number of killed and wounded. A. Rust, Brigadier-General, commanding First Brigade ne of battle to the east of Cypress Creek, with Rust's brigade on its right and Villepigue's on the their entire infantry force from the trenches. Rust's and Villepigue's carrying the trenches in frod the brigade a short distance to the rear near Rust's line, in order to take advantage of the groun[10 more...]
the First brigade, under General Baldwin, on the right of the main road to Water Valley, whilst the Ninth Arkansas, of General Rust's division, commanded by Colonel Dunlop, was placed in line of battle on the left of the same road. Colonel A. P. Thoneral commanding to press the enemy and drive them back, and upon receiving his orders to do so, with information that General Rust had been ordered to manoeuvre on my right with parts of two of his brigades, rode rapidly to the front, ordering, at tng their pace in the least. Having driven the enemy for more than a mile, it occurred to me that should the troops of General Rust's command not have moved to their left far enough to guard my right flank, that I might run some risk of being outflanng the names of Brigadier-General W. E. Baldwin, of my own division, and Colonel A. P. Thompson (commanding brigade in General Rust's division). These officers in command on my right and left, displayed the greatest good judgment and gallantry. The