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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, John Greenleaf Whittier, Chapter 2: school days and early ventures (search)
money having been raised by extra work done by him in making a new kind of slippers, just then invented. So carefully did Whittier plan to meet the cost of his half year's teaching, that he calculated on having twenty-five cents of surplus at the end of the year, and had it. It is an unusual thing for a newly established academy to be opened with an ode by a pupil just entered, but this was the case with the Haverhill Academy on April 30, 1827, when the oration was given by the Hon. Leverett Saltonstall of Salem. The poem cannot now be found, but we can easily test the product of the young student's muse as to quantity at least, by the columns of the Haverhill Gazette, which yielded forty-seven of his poems in 1827 and forty-nine in 1828. These were given under various signatures, of which Adrian was the chief, while Donald, Timothy, Micajah, and Ichabod were others, and the modest initial W. filled up the gaps. The first which appeared under his full name was a long one, Th
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, John Greenleaf Whittier, Index. (search)
funeral, 185. Republican party, 68. Reynolds, Mrs., 105. Richardson, Samuel, 165. Richter, Jean Paul, 21. Robinson, Gov. G. D., 110. Rogers, Nathaniel P., 58. Rolfe, Henry, 5. Rosa, Salvator, 14. Rossetti, Dante G., 145; Whittier's fondness for the ballad of Sister Helen, 117, 118. Russ, Cornelia, 137, 138. S. St. Margaret's Church, London, 181. St. Pierre, eruption at, 142. Salem, Mass., 10, 28, 58, 85, 109. Salisbury, Lord, 113. Salisbury, Mass., 4,107. Saltonstall, Leverett, 28. Salvator. See Rosa. Sargent, Mrs. John T., her Sketches and Reminiscences of the Radical Club, quoted, 100, 101. Sargent, Rev. John T., 100. Scotland, 6. Scott, Sir, Walter, 107, 109; his Fair Maid of Perth, mentioned, 7; quoted about Melrose Abbey, 174. Sedgwick, Catherine M., 16. Sewall, Samuel E., 50, 51, 68. Sewall family, 52. Shakespeare, William, 19, 150, 152, 154. Shaw, Col. Robert Gould, 112. Shipley, Thomas, 52. Sigourney, Mrs. L. H., 35; Whitt