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The Daily Dispatch: January 8, 1861., [Electronic resource], The General Assembly of Virginia firm and United (search)
a sufficient amount to put the county in a state of defence, and for arming a portion of the militia. This motion was advocated very ably by Cols. R. M. Cary, Sherwin McRae, John P. Harrison and W. A. Cocke, Esq., the former of whom, though not a citizen of Henrico, generously announced himself willing to join the citizens on the bonds of the County Court for the amount requisite to give effect to the movement. The committee is as follows: John R. Garnett, Jackson F. Childrey, Geo. M. Savage, on the part of the Magistrates--Cols. Sherwin McRae. J. L. Davis, John P. Harrison, Capt. John Wilder Atkinson, on the part of the 33d Regiment--Wm. B. Randolph, Henry Cox, Nathaniel B. we, Robert A. Mayo, Dr. Jos. M. Sheppard, Garland Hanes, on the part of the citizens. The magistrates are all to be summoned to attend Thursday, to consider the propriety of issuing bonds for arming the militia companies; also, to take into consideration what action they will have in regard to the C