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George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 7, 4th edition. 2 2 Browse Search
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ngland, said Burke, is like the archer that saw his own child in the hands of the adversary, against whom he was going to draw his bow. Fox charged upon North, that the country was on the point of being involved in a civil war by his incapacity. North complained: The gentleman blames all my administration; yet he defended and supported much of it; nor do I know how I have deserved his reproaches. I can tell the noble lord how, cried Fox; by every species of falsehood and treachery. Sir George Savile asked that Franklin might be heard at the bar in support of the address of the American continental congress to the king; and after a violent debate, the house, by the usual majority, refused even to receive Franklin's petition. The ministry were self-willed and strangely confident. The demand of Gage for twenty thousand men was put aside with scorn. The violences committed by those who have taken up arms in Massachusetts Bay, wrote Dartmouth, in the king's name, have appeared to
of Newfoundland. The best shipbuilders in the world were at Boston, and their yards had been closed; the New England fishermen were now to be restrained from a toil in which they excelled the world. Thus the joint right to the fisheries was made a part of the great American struggle. God and nature, said Johnston, have given that fishery to New England and not to Old. Dunning defended the right of the Americans to fish on the Banks. If rebellion is resistance to government, said Sir George Savile, it must sometimes be justifiable. May not a people, taxed without their Chap. XXII.} 1775. Feb. consent, and their petitions against such taxation rejected, their charters taken away without hearing, and an army let loose upon them without a possibility of obtaining justice, be said to be in justifiable rebellion? But the ministerial measure, which, by keeping the New England fishermen at home provoked discontent and provided recruits for an insurgent army, was carried through all