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ent size from those subsequently made in the colony, thus indicating importation? And, if so, by whom else than the patron who was constantly sending supplies of all kinds to the infant settlement? —Venerate the Historic. Gifts and Loans to the Society. Invitation of Gen. and Mrs. Washington to Miss Cary, January 22, 1776. Miss Cary was later Mrs. Dowse of the Royall House. A rare picture of the old Fountain Tavern presented by Miss Zipporah Sawyer in memory of her brother, Rufus Sawyer. Records of the Centennial Committee of Medford, 1875-6, loaned by Thos. Blackinton. New England Library of Genealogy and Personal History, by Charles E. Hurd; gift of Horace D. Hall. A miscellaneous collection from Mrs. Dinsmore of Dorchester, formerly of Medford. Picture of the Cradock House worked in worsted, and frame from wood of the Cradock House, from Calvin Clark. Picture of first M. E. Church, Medford, Salem street, a rare picture, loan, Dr. Cleaves. Historical
ld to Mr. Nathaniel Hall, from Mr. Hall the estate passed through the ownership of many different persons, down to the present day. Some of these owning only one-half of the house. There is no evidence that this house was used as a tavern from the year 1734 until the year 1775, when it was occupied by Mr. Bradshaw, although it is very probable that it was sometimes used as a place where liquors were sold, nor is it likely that it was used as a tavern after Mr. Bradshaw's day. The late Mr. Rufus Sawyer took down the old building and erected on its site the house now standing on the easterly corner of Salem and Fountain streets. The Royal Oak Tavern. This tavern stood upon land purchased of Dr. Oliver Noyes by Mr. Benjamin Willis in the year 1717. The estate was described as a house lot near Medford bridge, bounded west and northwest on the country road; northeast on a highway laid out from the country road to land of Aaron Cleveland; southeast on land of John Hall; southwest on
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 8., New Hampshire soldiers in Medford. (search)
hence to Boston. Over the Woburn road, probably, came the Exeter men, who we know came by way of Haverhill and Andover. Medford thus became a part of the stage whereon was enacted the military drama by the Continental Army, the grand finale of which was the evacuation of Boston by the British. A portion of the left wing was upon Winter Hill in the southern part of the town. Men from other provinces than New Hampshire were here either permanently or for a short time; a company under Captain Sawyer from Wells in the district of Maine, being stationed here eight months. Young Henry Dearborn of your state stopped here with his men on the night of June 16th, and early the next morning marched to Winter Hill. Benedict Arnold, of less pleasant memory, from Connecticut, on September 13th, 1775, encamped here for the night with a detachment of men from Cambridge. In Arnold's famous expedition through the wilderness Dearborn accompanied him. What an exciting time there must have been
followed up its course by studying for her life-work of teaching at the Boston Normal School. She began her work as a teacher at Waltham in February, 1875, in the school of District Two, the Pond End School, where she remained until in the fall of 1878 she was transferred to the South Grammar School. She left Waltham in the fall of 1879 at the summons of Medford to return and teach here, as the assistant of Mr. Benjamin F. Morrison, at the Swan School. In 1887, on the resignation of Mr. Rufus Sawyer, the grammar grades of the Everett and Swan Schools were consolidated, and Miss Gill went with Mr. Morrison to the Everett School as his assistant there; and when the Washington School was opened in 1890 went thither with the grammar grades. Each of these transfers meant additional work and added responsibility, but her great opportunity did not come until the ninth grade pupils were transferred to the new High School building in 1897 and she was selected to go with them. Here her
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 20., Historical Society Reaches Majority in its New home. (search)
e new home of this Society. Attention was called to the portraits of the late Miss Zipporah Sawyer and her brother, Rufus Sawyer, recently come into possession of the Society according to her wish. A letter from the attorneys of her estate was rendwriting of Paul Revere of One Silver Cann £ 8.3:2 to one——Whitman. This was Dr. Whitman of Bolton, Mass., with whom Miss Sawyer's father studied medicine and of whom he received his certificate as Doctor of Medicine and Surgery. Evidently Dr. SaDr. Sawyer recognized the interest that in after years would be taken in the autographs of the patriot Revere. The old paper, yellow with age, will be preserved in the Society's archives. Another item of interest was several old coal bills of Pyam Cushing, Entrance to wharf on Ship street, near the Town Pump, to Mr. Sawyer. One reads 1867, July 29. 5 tons Furnace $8 1/2$42.50 putting in1.50 After fifty years coal is the same price; but the town pump is no more. During the two hours sess