Your search returned 14 results in 5 document
ent size from those subsequently made in the colony, thus indicating importation?
And, if so, by whom else than the patron who was constantly sending supplies of all kinds to the infant settlement?
—Venerate the Historic.
Gifts and Loans to the Society.
Invitation of Gen. and Mrs. Washington to Miss Cary, January 22, 1776.
Miss Cary was later Mrs. Dowse of the Royall House.
A rare picture of the old Fountain Tavern presented by Miss Zipporah Sawyer in memory of her brother, Rufus Sawyer.
Records of the Centennial Committee of Medford, 1875-6, loaned by Thos. Blackinton.
New England Library of Genealogy and Personal History, by Charles E. Hurd; gift of Horace D. Hall.
A miscellaneous collection from Mrs. Dinsmore of Dorchester, formerly of Medford.
Picture of the Cradock House worked in worsted, and frame from wood of the Cradock House, from Calvin Clark.
Picture of first M. E. Church, Medford, Salem street, a rare picture, loan, Dr. Cleaves.