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Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life, XI: John Brown and the call to arms (search)
re suddenly dispelled in the autumn of 1861. He wrote to his mother:— I have authority from Governor Andrew to take preliminary steps toward raising a regiment, which when formed will be placed under charge of an U. S. officer—probably Captain Saxton of the naval expedition, who is an anti-slavery man. At any rate the Colonel is to be satisfactory to me and I to be under him. But by the time several companies for the new regiment had been recruited in different parts of the State, an ny quarters yesterday and asked for me, saying he was drunk and wished to go to the guard-house. In November, he wrote that they had everything but guns and might be ordered off at any time, and on the following day he telegraphed his mother, We have orders to leave this week. But he was still in the Worcester barracks a fortnight later, when he received a thrilling letter from Brigadier-General Saxton, of the Department of the South, offering him the command of a regiment of freed slav
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life, XII: the Black regiment (search)
h his survey of the ground, he eagerly accepted General Saxton's offer. When he returned home and announced h a born commander, wrote Captain Jackson. When General Saxton, somewhat later, witnessed the dress parade of unlimited horseback . . . .The one [horse] which Gen. Saxton turned over to me, has sowed his wild oats and bey other things which you will see in my Report to Gen. Saxton. The men have behaved splendidly and I have enjoappeal to be fortified by an urgent letter from General Saxton, himself,—was thus noted in the War Journal:— I told him [General Saxton] with some indignation that if I could be made a Major General by writing a no came over all as in the middle of the Lancers, General Saxton came in, pale and stern, and with a word stoppe, and then sent from the Department forever. But Gen. Saxton in pity for his wife, who is here, took off the ito his mother, I feel very weak in these days. General Saxton was unwilling to consider his resignation and w
, Gov., 176. Rogers, Dr., Seth, letters to, 175-77, 232, 233, 239-41, 250, 263; becomes surgeon in colored regiment, 216; and Higginson, 237, 282, 321. Rosebery, Earl of, account of, 330, 362. Round Table Club, 315. St. Louis, Mo., slave-market in, 182-89. Saints and their Bodies, 156, 407. Sanborn, F. B., 190; and T. W. Higginson, j 100; described, 129; seeks aid for Brown, i 192, 193. Sargent, Dr. D. A., 156. Sargent, J. T., Radical Club meets at home of, 267. Saxton, Gen., Rufus, offers command of black regiment to Higginson, 214; offer accepted, 215; and Higginson, 217, 248; and battle of Olustee, 241. Scott, Sir, Walter, 339. Search for the Pleiades, A, 296, 415. Sewall, S. E., 193. Sharp, Professor, account of, 338, 339. Shaw, Robert Gould, Higginson writes verse about monument to, 388. Sims, Thomas, 142; the fugitive slave, 112– 15. Sixty and Six, a poem, 301. Smith, Joseph Lindon, 372; his outdoor theatre, 374. Smith College, influ