Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 19, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Charles Schwartz or search for Charles Schwartz in all documents.

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Horse stealing. --Charles Schwartz, said to be a Yankee paroled prisoner, was before the Mayor yesterday, to answer the charge of stealing a horse from Charles T. Gander, on Saturday morning last. Gauder, it seems, left the horse in the care o. Charles Hotel, and returned to Mrs. P.'s house. As soon as Mrs. P. saw him, she demanded to know where the horse was. Schwartz answered that he did not know — that he had tracked him from the stable to the neighborhood of Camp Lee, where he lost trs. P. told him his statement was false — and described the manner by which he had gotten the animal out of the stable. Schwartz then admitted that he had taken the horse — that he did so for revenge — but promised to return him if Mrs. P. would giv Other parties testified to seeing the prisoner have the horse in his possession, and to his offering him for sale. Schwartz, through his counsel, admitted the taking of the horse, but proposed to prove that he was one half owner — that the a